God is always on the side of the oppressed!!!!

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[Q]This is God’s world. For goodness sake, this is God’s world! We live in a moral universe. The apartheid government was very powerful, but today it no longer exists. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet, Milosovic, and Idi Amin were all powerful, but in the end they bit the dust.

Injustice and oppression will never prevail. Those who are powerful have to remember the litmus test that God gives to the powerful: What is your treatment of the poor, the hungry, the voiceless? And on the basis of that, God passes judgment.

Bishop Tutu says it better than I.
[Q]God is omnipotent, all-powerful, but also impotent.God does not dispatch lightening bolts to remove tyrants, as we might have hoped he would. God waits for you to act. You are his partners.

God is as weak as the weakest of his partners, or as strong as the as the morally strongest. [/Q]

Maybe this changes your mind?
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