Check Out This Campaign Ad

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WOW!!! He is cute and I agree with his political stand!!!!That's alright.;)
i think we can stop the "fair and balanced" jokes... based soley on the content of their shows, i think we can place a rather lage gap between the right leaning fox news and the raunchy, risk taking fox television network.

this was done by a local network... bill o'reilly had nothing to do with it.
I don't see what difference it makes, the Fox "risk taking" affiliate still censored this ad, unfairly in my opinion.

Bill O'Reilly isn't the issue

Honestly was that photo of Bush really offensive or disrespectful?

lol- i've seen this ad up here in NY, but I didn't know Fox was refusing to air it. hopefully our politicians will continue deregulation of the industry so that fewer and fewer mega media corporations control and increasingly larger percentage of media.
i for one do not want to see george bush naked... even if it's a fake picture.

i could care less if it was aired... but if bush wanted that particular part of the ad to be pulled, he had ever right to ask that.

he hasn't... and that particular fox network, here in new york, mind you, has decided they won't air it. i don't think the first amendment police should be out in force just yet.
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