Anyone else find the universe immensely interesting?

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
I didn't know where else to post this, but I really want to talk about it.

From a very young age, I have found the universe a subject of incredible interest. I wanted to be an astronomer for a long time, but then I realised you needed to be very smart at maths, which I unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, I don't know yet) am not.

I'm always bagged by my mates for this. But whenever it comes up in debates in class, be it in Chemisty, Theology, Religion, whatever, I have to add my two cents. For example, in Theology we were talking about science and religion. My teacher was saying that the Catholic Church now accepts a lot of scientific theories, such as evolution, the big bang and so on. Everyone else was falling asleep, but I was riveted. I put my hand up and said, "Science can explain everything from the inital 'dot' that started the universe to now, but can't explain how that 'dot' got there."

Isn't that mind-boggling?

And the existence of black holes, the whole way that they work, the fact that the gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape.

So many things to ponder.

Look, this thread'll probably fall in a hole but I just wanted to say I find it really interesting, and if anyone wants to chin wag with me please do! :D
I love to watch the pictures made by the Hubble Telescope and others, but I don't know much about the universe.
It's very beautiful and I usually read all the articles about new findings, black holes, other sun systems etc. But I only understand a little bit, and remember even less. :(
A good friend of mine, who is a genius in physics, also is a great fan of astronomy. He has a really good telescope.
Some of those pictures are simply amazing :love:

Does anyone have a picture of that hourglass galaxy? The spooky one with the eye thing in the middle.

Oh and don't worry I understand it very little as well.
I do! I do!

But yeah, when I found out how much math and science was involved I said to myself, "Then I guess I'll just be some girl out in a field staring up at the night sky and wondering." :lol:
I think it's wildly fascinating. I love the pictures from the telescopes. I read up on the articles, but I honestly don't understand much. All I know is it's huge, fascinating and we know almost nothing about it. Blakholes, wormholes, dimensions, dark matter, space dust, speed of light :drool: . I love it all.
Yes, the universe, the Earth, us people, the entirety of the cosmos -- it's all pretty stunning.

I don't know how we all got here, but I'm sure glad I'm here!
I love to go away, out of the city, where you cannot see the stars, to go far enough away to escape the city lights and just lay down on the ground and watch the sky in a clear night. I just did that recently with some friends, we were in a very lonesome part of the country where we had a wonderful sky full of stars, and someone who was with us knew a lot about all the constellations and everything and showed and explained it all to us, and it was really fascinating. Since it was mid-August we saw some shooting stars and got very excited.

Looking out into the universe at night is always a very touching and also quite intimating experience for me, also something that reminds me of my childhood, because I used to love doing it and thought a lot about the universe. I am not so sure I want to know everything from a scientific point of view and have all the mysteries solved. I just like NOT knowing and getting all philosophical and emotional about it.
Love looking into the sky at night. Always found it fascinating.

We live close to the River Humber, and there was supposed to be some tall ships sailing into Hull dock and traveling down the Humber.
We went to a nature reserve park that runs along the river so we could see the ships one evening.

As it was getting dark the clouds were fading and we could see stars.
We waited a bit longer, I think it was about 9.30pm and was dark.
There was no lights at all within a mile or so of us.

I just looked up and was in awe of how many starts I could see.
It was really amazing, the whole sky was lit up :drool:
I'm interested in the discovery of new planets, pictures taken by the Hubble telescope.
Astronomy is one of my absolute favorite subjects. I took two astronomy courses in college, but to continue any further you needed a hefty dose of physics and chemistry. I barely passed chemistry in high school, so much so that I even managed to sneak out of taking physics (my chem teacher yelled at me for that :ohmy: ).
The classes were fascinating, the one lab I took was not. Wayyy too much math. Although we did get to play with stuff like dry ice and a simulator where you could punch in planet orbits and watch planets collide.
We also had a "night time required field trip" to the very sad "astronomy building" which was just a cement block in the middle of the campus. We can't look at stars here in Miami because of the light pollution and cloud coverage, but I got a close-up view of Mars. :D
AND we had to look at the sun through a special telescope with a light filter and I got to see a sun spot up close. :drool:

Anyway, I find it terribly interesting, but as others have said before, there's no way I could pursue it as a career without killing myself.
I would have loved it though!
I received a mail saying that on August 27 th there will be a "two moons" effect with mars being close to the earth and on August 28 th there will be a total eclipse of the moon at 4:51 am (in my zone time :D)

Yep I´´m a space geek too :D
I've done a fair bit of astronomy, it's quite interesting indeed, of course cosmologists have a tendency for having quotes that creationists take in the most base fashion.
AnnRKeyintheUSA said:
So what's this about the big black hole they found in the universe?

I follow space science as much as I can

there is only so much we are able to comprehend

I recently watched a BBC science program
and the multi verse theory makes the most sense

also the brane (as in membrane) theories may be in the right direction

the big bang suggest something from nothing

more likely two branes colliding that spewed out what we call our universe

a thousand years ago other galaxies did not exist (because we could not comprehend them)

what did exist in space, God and the angels and Heaven, it is in the Bible

All the scriptures say that is what is in space :yes:
UberBeaver said:
I think it's wildly fascinating. I love the pictures from the telescopes. I read up on the articles, but I honestly don't understand much. All I know is it's huge, fascinating and we know almost nothing about it. Blakholes, wormholes, dimensions, dark matter, space dust, speed of light :drool: . I love it all.

Same here. I am fascinated by it all, but my ability to grasp it has very finite limits. Still, any new discovery, an eclipse, meteor showers, etc, all still excite me greatly.
Slipstream said:
In case anyone didn't know, Google Earth just came out with an update that has a new feature called Sky. Instead of looking at the Earth you can now zoom into outer space and surf the heavens! It's really cool.

Awesome, I hadn't heard!

Is there anything cooler on the Internet than Google Earth?!

I'm gonna go look for life on other planets!
I've always loved Astronomy! :love: at least ever since I studied about red giants, white dwarfs, black holes and so on in 10th grade. Was kinda thinking at some point about how it would be as a career option, but wasn't sure if there were enough opportunities in such a heavily research oriented field! Plus it would have been heavy on Physics, a subject which is okay but not one of my strengths!
sorry, i couldn't help myself

Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown, and things seem hard
or tough.
and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft,
and you feel that you've had quite enouuuuuuuuugh...

member that your standing on a planet that's evolving,
and revolving at nine hundred miles an hour...
That's orbiting at ninety miles a second, so it's reckoned,
the sun that is the source of all our power.
The sun and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,
are moving at a million miles a day.
in an outer spiral-arm at forty thousand miles an hour
of the galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars,
it's a hundred thousand lightyears side to side.
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand lightyears thick,
but out by us it's just three thousand lightyears wide.
We're thirty thousand lightyears from galactic central point,
we go 'round every two hundred million years.
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions,
in this amazing and expanding universe.

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,
in all of the directions it can whiz.
As fast as it can go, that's the speed of light you know;
twelve million miles a minute, that's the fastest speed there is.
So remember when your feeling very small and insecure,
how amazingly unlikely is your birth,
and pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'cause there's bugger-all down here on earth!
unico said:
One of my goals in life is to see Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis. Aurora Borealis!
At this time of day.
At this time of year.
Localised entirely within your kitchen.
May I see it?


No it's good to see people are interested in it. It does make your head hurt though. Black holes I find very interesting. Did they find one at the centre or something someone said earlier?

Apparently when black holes and white holes join they create 'wormholes' which are apparently the key to time travel.
They found a large region of space that is devoid of matter, that is an anomaly, the things that can blow old theories to hell and drive the investigations that lead to new ones.

I'm just primed for New Horizons to visit pluto, see you 2015 folks.
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A_Wanderer said:
They found a large region of space that is devoid of matter, that is an anomaly, the things that can blow old theories to hell and drive the investigations that lead to new ones.

Wow!! So they assume its a supermassive black hole?
If you are referencing a Muse song bravo, if not, still... bravo:wink:
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