Al Franken: A Political Activist or a Satirist?

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Dec 11, 2003
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Frankenly speaking

Political comedian Al Franken on the Bush daughters, why conservative pundits are so annoying and Barbra Streisand, rain forest killer.

By Ian Rothkerch
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June 06, 2001

Al Franken is either a hysterical satirist or a mean-spirited wiseass, depending on which side of the political aisle you happen to call home. In 1996, the Harvard-schooled policy wonk and former "Saturday Night Live" writer endeared himself to GOP haters with his bestselling "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot," a liberal manifesto that rails against every specious, misguided tenet of conservatism. With whimsically caustic chapter titles like "The Newt Gingrich Cancer Story" and "Pat Buchanan: Nazi Lover," Franken unsparingly posits right-wing zealots as vindictive, sanctimonious hypocrites. Three years later, Franken followed up with "Why Not Me?" a politically astute mock memoir recounting "the dramatic rise and dizzying fall of Al Franken, who became the first Jewish President of the United States." After eight years of defending his friend Bill Clinton, Franken has a whole new administration to ridicule.

Salon recently spoke with Al Franken by phone as he prepped for an upcoming comedy festival in New York.

I'm going to give you a few names and I want you to tell me the first word that comes to mind.

Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly fucker. Katherine Harris. Conflict of interest. Dick Morris. Toe. Jeb Bush. Blockade. Jesse Jackson. Jew.

Ralph Nader.

Former hero.

Fox News.

Also O'Reilly fucker.

By all accounts, George W. Bush has been a failure at everything he's ever done, from trading away Sammy Sosa to earning C's at Yale. Can you explain how someone like this gets elected?

Well, I mean his dad was president. That's something you have to remember. Bill Hillsman, the ad guy from Minnesota who did [Governor Jesse] Ventura's and [Senator Paul] Wellstone's ads, said that if he had been running the Democratic ads he would've used the line, "Here's a guy who couldn't find oil in Texas."

Does it disturb you that so many people would vote for someone simply because of their lineage?

I think it was the kind of thing where they felt safe. They wanted change, but a safe change. I guess they felt comfortable that even though G.W. didn't seem like someone who had a lot of experience or knew a lot, he would be surrounded by people who did.

Why do you think voters didn't feel comfortable with Vice President Gore after eight years?

I think Clinton fatigue was a real thing. It's just hard to get comfortable with Gore -- it was hard for him to project who he is, the person people know in private. People wanted a change in tone in Washington, even though Bush doesn't actually act on that. But that's what he was promising.

You've never been shy in your support of President Clinton. During the impeachment debacle, did your feelings toward him as a friend and a president ever waver?

Well, I find myself still defending him. For example, on the pardons -- people don't really give him credit for the pardons he didn't give. The Unabomber -- behind bars. Evidently, Charles Manson contacted Roger Clinton based on their mutual interest in music. I think the president showed good judgment in those cases.

What was your first reaction when you heard Florida had been taken away from Gore on Election Night? Did you think the fix was in?

I didn't think it was a fix. I had never heard of this so I was upset. I was very upset. [Laughs] It looked pretty good; it looked with Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida that we had it. I couldn't believe it, and they did it again! It was unbelievable. I sort of blame Fox on the second one.

Last week, the police nabbed Jenna Bush on her second alcohol-related incident in a month. Does President Bush have an obligation to address this matter publicly, considering that he ran on a platform stressing a return to moral values and the betterment of child welfare?

Well, he didn't help himself during his Yale commencement address when he said he didn't remember a lot from his time there. He did a joke essentially saying, "I was drunk a lot." I think that was probably not the right joke to tell when your daughter is having these problems. I could see the joke about being a "C" student, but he should probably say something publicly like he doesn't approve of underage drinking or something. [Laughs] I think that's sort of the least he can do.

Considering the nature of their recent behavior, are the Bush girls fair game for the media now?

Well, I think that he is. I will point out that Chelsea Clinton, in the eight years her father was president, didn't get arrested once. The problem with Jenna is that it's been twice in four months. A third time -- it's three strikes and you're out in Texas -- and they'll have to execute her. Bad.

Over the years, your one-time bedfellow Arianna Huffington has become increasingly estranged from the Republican Party. Do you take any credit at all for her newfound love of liberalism?

I don't know if it coincided with the period in which Arianna got to know me or whether I had some influence. Either way she's now actually to my left. I saw it all happen, so it doesn't surprise me. Originally, when I first met her, she was a [Newt] Gingrich acolyte. In my first conversation with her, I tried to tell her that I didn't think Gingrich was a good guy. She liked him as a guy ... and I had little problem with him as a guy. Now, as it turned out, I was wrong. For example, I thought his speech at the last convention, "Adultery With a Purpose," was a great speech.

In the spirit of Sen. Jim Jeffords' defection, what would you say to convince another Republican to switch allegiances?

Actually, I think the Bushes are trying to get Jenna to switch.

Play Republican spin doctor for a moment and defend Mayor Rudy Giuliani's extramarital affair with Judi Nathan.

Let's see -- it's nobody's business, it's his private life, he and his wife clearly were estranged anyway, it wasn't like he was cheating on her, he's been a great mayor and he has prostate cancer.

But do you think there's a double standard in the media relating to its coverage of Giuliani's philandering as compared to President Clinton's? Most of the New York press, for instance, tactfully refer to Nathan as the mayor's "girlfriend" rather than "mistress" or "lover."

Well, with Clinton there were a lot of problems. He wasn't totally upfront. [Laughs] I think that was a problem. Also, there's a difference being estranged from your wife and finding companionship as supposed to being married and having a fling. There are some distinctions. Also, he was the president and this was just the mayor. [Laughs] On a recent episode of "Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher," you got into a heated argument with conservative lobbyist Marjorie Strayer over the fairness of President Bush's $1.35 trillion tax cut. If you could pinpoint it, what is it about right-wing commentators that make them so goddamn irritating? She was taking a very small side issue that had nothing to do with anything, which was the earned-income tax credit. For some reason, she claimed that Republicans had been instrumental in the increase in the earning of tax credits when -- ever since it was expanded under Bush -- Republicans had been fighting that. The only thing you've ever heard them say about the earned-income tax credit is that it's subject to widespread fraud. You'll remember, President Bush had to chide his own party 'cause they were going to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and then send the earned-income tax credit into another year. The lack of intellectual honesty was what was bothering me; the willingness to actually engage as opposed to just shouting over me. She got out of control. Either she didn't know what she was talking about or she was being dishonest.

Among Ann Coulter, Barbara Olson, Laura Ingraham and Peggy Noonan, who would you most like to muzzle and why?

Oy oy oy. That's hard -- really hard. I think that's a false choice. [Laughs]

Don't you find it somewhat amusing that the aforementioned women have all made their literary careers off the Clinton name? What do you make of their unhealthy fixation on the former first family?

Well, I'm vulnerable on this score 'cause my biggest literary success was the Rush Limbaugh book. So, who am I?

Do you plan on writing another book in the vein of "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot" and, if so, who would be your new whipping boy now that Limbaugh is not as fat as he used to be?

By the way, I saved his life. [He] has not thanked me. [Laughs] I don't know. There isn't anyone as silly and as easy a target as Rush. I'm just going to have to hunker down and actually get more substantive and just go after the whole Bush administration. I'm flirting with a couple of ideas right now.

What's your favorite Bushism to date?

Of course, my favorite is, "I don't mind being misunderestimated."

Which is more offensive to you -- Vice President Cheney's $20 million golden parachute from Halliburton or a speech by Louis Farrakhan?

It depends which speech. [Laughs]

Are you convinced that Cheney and Bush's refusal to impose price caps in California has anything to do with protecting their own oil interests?

I don't think it does have anything to do with defending their own oil interests. I think it might have something to do with the oil interests they know and are familiar with and see socially. [Laughs]

This past April, Barbra Streisand issued a memo essentially calling Democratic leaders a bunch of weak-willed wussies. Do you agree with her assessment of the current party?

You know, I think Hollywood celebrities have a big role to play. For example, on the environment, not too many people realize this, but Hollywood celebrities make up just 0000000000.1 percent of the world's population ... and yet consume nearly 36 percent of its resources. Seventeen acres of rain forest are consumed every day by Barbra Streisand alone.

Sleazier town -- Hollywood or Washington?

I think there's a certain honor in both industries that people don't realize, and yet there's sleaze in both that people don't quite understand either. It's more subtle than I think people outside those industries understand. You can't condemn the whole business either way.

Describe the experience of hosting the White House Correspondents Association dinner -- it seems like a tough crowd to win over.

They're both easy and hard. They're easy in the sense that it's like a trade association. It'd be like doing the scrap metal convention if I knew an incredible amount about scrap metal. So, you can do jokes there about Dennis DeConcini [former Arizona senator] and they'll laugh. That's the good part. The bad part is they are looking to be offended. They will do everything they can to find a way to be offended.

Do you get more satisfaction writing books, TV shows or films?

It's all pretty much the same. I get satisfaction when I write something I like, when I'm happy with it.

If it's possible to be objective, can you critique "Saturday Night Live's" coverage of the political scene compared to when you were writing for the show?

I thought the stuff Jim Downey did this year was brilliant. Jim did the debates and I think he really revitalized the show in terms of its political stuff.

Do you ever get the itch to return to "SNL"?

Every once in a while, I feel it would be nice to be there this week. But I did 15 seasons on it, and unless something really interesting is happening I really don't get that nostalgic.

In a fight between Stuart Smalley and Mary Matalin, who would win?

Well, Stuart would lose if it was about politics. Stuart doesn't know anything about politics.

What inspired you to become so politically oriented?

My parents were really political. The news was very important in our home. We basically had dinner every night while watching the news and then we'd discuss it with our parents. My dad had been a Republican all his life until 1964, when he switched because of [Barry] Goldwater's stand on the '64 Civil Rights Act. And my mom had been a Democrat. Until '64, there had been that sort of back and forth. The civil rights movement was very important in my house and then Vietnam was very important 'cause there were two boys, so I came of age during a very heated political climate.

Have you ever thought of becoming a political strategist à la James Carville?

I've offered to give advice and stuff like that, but they don't take me seriously.

Who would you like to see as Democratic presidential candidate in 2004?

I don't know.


I have a hard time understanding how the left sees Al Franken. Is he a political activist, or a satirist? He has said himself that he cites internet "blogs" as evidence of "voter suppression" during elections of 2002, without providing a single link. I would hope he is perceived as a satirist, especially since he claims that his works are jokes.

I thought this was a little ugly:

Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly fucker. Katherine Harris. Conflict of interest. Dick Morris. Toe. Jeb Bush. Blockade. Jesse Jackson. Jew.

Ralph Nader.

Former hero.

Fox News.

Also O'Reilly fucker.

What to think, what to think...
Originally posted by macfistowannabe

I have a hard time understanding how the left sees Al Franken. Is he a political activist, or a satirist?

Are the two things mutually exclusive?
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strannix said:

Are the two things mutually exclusive?
Good question. I would guess not. Although I guess I could ask this:

Is he more of a political activist, or a satirist?
Macfistowannabe said:
Good question. I would guess not. Although I guess I could ask this:

Is he more of a political activist, or a satirist?

I would say he's both. If you discuss and promote your political views in public in any way, you're an activist. He is without a doubt a satirist also.
I think you have to be funny to be a satirist. I laughed at Stuart Smalley once during the SNL skit with Michale Jordan. That was funny. Luckily I didn't see the movie. I never quite got the SNL news bit "I'm Al Franken"; maybe someone thought that was funny. I didn't think the title of his book "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" was very clever either. The fact we're even talking about this untalented guy is a credit to his agent.
drhark said:
The fact we're even talking about this untalented guy is a credit to his agent.

Well, I disagree, but you have a point; why are we talking about this guy, exactly? This interview is at least 2-3 years old, it seems. Not that it's a big deal but it does seem pretty random.
Limbaugh isn't a comedian. Limbaugh's goal is not to make people laugh.

Franken is a long long long way from being the left's Limbaugh. Sorry.

Feel free to post links of examples of Franken's humor. I've yet to witness this. And umteen years on SNL is not necessarily proof that you're funny. Anyone seen SNL lately?
drhark said:
Limbaugh isn't a comedian. Limbaugh's goal is not to make people laugh.

Franken is a long long long way from being the left's Limbaugh. Sorry.

Feel free to post links of examples of Franken's humor. I've yet to witness this. And umteen years on SNL is not necessarily proof that you're funny. Anyone seen SNL lately?

Limbaugh has even admitted on several occasions that he's just an entertainer. He speaks opinion not fact. He may have some fact in there every once in awhile but they are essentially doing the same exact thing expressing their political opinions. Both preach to the choir and don't show the other side of the story. I've listened to both.
Have you even read his books.

L&TLLWTT footnotes were brilliant and the research was done by Harvard law students.

I've listened to both and admit I'm an Air America fan. He peaches to the choir for sure, but I've yet to hear the blatant lies coming out of Rush's or OReilly's ass.
strannix said:

Did you even read your link? He's not actually accusing Franken of being racist. He's simply protesting Franken's label of him as racist.

I did. Did you read what I said ? I said "some say he's a racist.....", the rest was for you to find out why, I'm glad you read the link. There's a difference between omission and error.
BonoVoxSupastar said:
They've both [Limbaugh and Franken] been labeled racist.
They both put ethnicity as an issue, even when it isn't necessary. For example, Franken refers to Sean Hannity as an "angry, Irish ape-man." Also, Franken questioned whether Bill O'Reilly suffered from a "touch of the Irish flu." Substitute "Mexican" or "black", and the point is clear. Limbaugh is a bit of a nut too. It depends how racist you consider his race-oriented comments on Donovan McNabb, but you would expect it to cause a stir. McNabb spoke his mind about the comment, but he was very reasonable in doing it.

"It's somewhat shocking to hear that on national TV from him," McNabb said. "It's not something that I can sit here and say won't bother me."

Maybe he forgot to take his painkillers that day. :|
I 've never thought Franken was very funny and that has nothing to do with his politics. Anytime I saw him on SNL I rarely even chuckled. If he is a satirist, he is an awful one. He should read "A Modest Proposal" to learn how to properly do satire.
My main problem with Franken's style is that whenever his credibility is questioned, he claims "satire" on any charge against him. I think you have to be pretty darn liberal to get a kick out of most of his work.
Macfistowannabe said:
My main problem with Franken's style is that whenever his credibility is questioned, he claims "satire" on any charge against him.

Can you provide an example of this? I haven't noticed this, except when people take something seriously that was meant as a joke - in which case, "satire" is a proper claim.
I'd sure like an explanation for this one.


In pages 283-287 of Lies, Franken tells of how he wrote a letter to 27 right-wing and conservative figures. The letter, written in April 2003 on Harvard University stationery, claimed he was writing a book on sex abstinence called Savin' It! (not true). Under this pretense, Franken petitioned the 27 people to share his or her own story of abstinence. The author claimed he had already "received wonderful testimonies" from HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson (a lie), William J. Bennett (another lie), White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer (yup, another lie), Cardinal Egan (are you counting the lies?), Senator Rick Santorum (lie), and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice (lie).

The second half of the letter was a hard sell to elicit replies. "I have found that kids respond best to total honesty ... Be serious! ... Kids can sense a phony a mile away."

One of the letters he sent, addressed to Attorney General John Ashcroft, was reprinted in his book on pages 285-286.

In the weeks following the release of his book, a couple of interviewers, rightfully so, took issue with the fact that Franken had authored a book entitled Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, yet he had sent out an entirely phony letter. CNN’s Paula Zahn was one reporter who called him on it. She interviewed Franken on her show Paula Zahn Now on August 25, 2003. Read this. It’s fun!

Zahn: You wrote a letter to Attorney General Ashcroft, 27 others. [author’s note: the total number of letters was actually 27.]

Franken: Right.

Zahn: You said you were writing a book on abstinence and you wanted to use them as role models. You sent it on Harvard University stationery.

Franken: Well, yes.

Zahn: Wasn’t that all a lie?

Franken: It was a joke. I was talking about – OK – here is what it was. It was –

Zahn: Wait, it may have been a joke, too, but would you concede that that was a lie?

Franken: Yes, but it was about – here is what it was. It was saying, "Dear Attorney General Ashcroft, I’m at Harvard writing a book called – on abstinence-only education called Savin’ It. And don’t you think it is time that kids had abstinence heroes? And I would like your abstinence story."

Zahn: So the folks who are saying out there, what credibility does Al Franken have when it comes to the issue of lying. He just got caught with his finger in the cookie jar.

Franken: I think if you look at it in the context of the book, it was – I’m a satirist. And it was satirical. And I think that if you read the letter, you saw what the purpose of the letter was, which is, that these people who push – abstinence-only sex ed doesn’t work. It –

Zahn: Of course, you have seen people come out from various organizations say that you’re absolutely wrong on that one, but we don’t have enough time to have a debate on that.2

Woops. Look at Franken’s last remarks. In the span of about 5 seconds, the letters went from being a "joke" and "satirical" to something totally different, an effort to exclaim "abstinence-only sex ed doesn’t work." You'd think the guy would want to get his stories straight before he hits the press tour!

Well, which is it, Al? Were the letters obviously a prank? Or were the letters a clear indication that its recipients are hypocrites?

By the way, Franken writes on page 354 of Lies, "[L]ying is when you deliberately deceive." He’s right about that!

Parents lie to their kids to get them to do certain things. They lie to their kids about the tooth fairy to get them to not fear loosing their teeth, they lie to them about Santa Claus to get them into the spirit of Christmas and to go to bed early enough so they can put out presents.

Abstinence only programs lie to children to get them to fear sex until marriage, they don't tell the whole truth. They lie to them by not giving the whole truth about sex, protection, and the responsibilites of sex.

Franken lies to get the whole truth. Maybe it's a dirty trick in order to get the whole truth, but people do it everyday. Your government does it, your teachers do it, your parents do it, even your friends do it. The motive was to prove a point, I'm not saying it's 100% right but it's done everyday.
Defending lies... at least you acknowledge that they were in fact lies. Anyone else who would like to comment?
I also said he was an entertainer. Entertainers lie to get reactions, even you claim to do the same in a recent posts. Even Bono does it. No difference.
Franken has made many serious points about serious matters, and his facts and stories are not always true. I research the guy to see if he has any credibility, and he's a tad off-key. From time to time, I may joke around, and I may exaggerate, but I don't make serious charges jokingly. Al Franken is not exclusively an entertainer, he discusses serious matters, and doesn't joke around on every issue he discusses.

“What Al Franken had in mind was a serious book. It has a skin of humor, but it is a thoroughly researched book.” - New York Times reporter and Pulitzer Prize winner Alex Jones, on Al Franken

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