56 Years Ago Today (A Very Important Day)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 28, 2004
....the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, one of the greatest documents of the 20th century. :up:

If you haven't seen it in the hardcover booklet that accompanied HTDAAB you can view the Declaration here:


We all know that the world is still a very unfair and injust place for millions of people on earth and that the U.N. itself has found itself stymied in its pursuit of the laudable goals of the Declaration, but instead of noting the drawbacks in its implementation, I offer the Declaration as an INSPIRATION to us of what our world CAN BE - if only we RECOMMIT OURSELVES TO THE REALIZATION OF ITS GOALS. :wink:

10 December - International Human Rights Day

and MUCH RESPECT TO U2 for including the Declaration in their booklet for HTDAAB. :hug:

for more info:

Jamila said:
.... I offer the Declaration as an INSPIRATION to us of what our world CAN BE - if only we RECOMMIT OURSELVES TO THE REALIZATION OF ITS GOALS. :wink:

and MUCH RESPECT TO U2 for including the Declaration in their booklet for HTDAAB. :hug:

Thank you for posting this Jamila! I have been eager to read this declaration and it was indeed a surprise and a blessing to see the band include it in the new album.

On a side note, since I know that you do great work with AIDS patients I have a wonderful book to recommend to you. Reading it will reinforce your beliefs that providing drugs to third world countries *is* possible if we have the will to do it.

The name of the book is "Infections and Inequalities" by Paul Farmer, a medical anthropologist from Harvard who has spent 20 years fighting TB and AIDS in Haiti. In this book he describes how his pilot study with his Clinique Bon Saveur showed that treating and curing infectious diseases in an underdeveloped was possible if the causes and symptoms of poverty were taken care of from the inside out. :up:

His latest book, "Pathologies of Power" details why governments are so resistant at providing generic drugs to places that really need them.

Keep up the good fight sister. The Goal is SOUL! :hug: :heart:
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