2016 US Presidential Election Thread Part VI

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Yeah, I think you're turning a blind eye if you think it's the same. Our biases will allow us to forgive certain missteps absolutely, but as Trump said himself, he could kill someone and not lose a supporter. Here's a man that 8 years ago the same people blindly supporting him today would have called a progressive and they would have railed against in Tea Party rallies.

The biggest difference I see with Trump compared to the rise of Hitler, is that Hitler very methodically used misinformation and propaganda. Trump doesn't have to. We have a culture of America that no longer cares about information; they demonize higher education, they scoff at science, fact checking is a liberal device, and sourcing your argument is mocked, they have created their own bubble to which they live in. The GOP has been wooing and catering this portion of society so long that it's just gotten out of control. Trump has pounced on this and spoon fed this culture, that and our 24 hr news media have given him free advertising. He could lie to their faces and it doesn't matter, he has lied to their faces and they don't care. He's basically called them "poorly educated" and they are completely unfazed.

This is undeniably a monster the GOP has created, by having to cater to this crowd in order to get their numbers. It's like having a pet dragon; they're cute when they're small, but you kept feeding it and now it's fully grown. There is absolutely no way to control it, as friendly and innocuous as it may appear it's extremely dangerous because just the slightest sneeze could kill you. It's dangerous because there is no way of predicting what it will do, it answers to no one.
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In any case, Trump isn't anywhere near as smart as Hitler was. He's been debating against idiots to this point, and Hillary is going to make him look like a fool. In the end, it's going to be a landslide like we haven't seen in a long time.

This is my feeling as well. He will fare very poorly among pretty much every minority demographic in addition to women and young voters. Even if people on the left are lukewarm toward Hillary, they will turn out in droves out of sheer disgust with Trump.
I just think he's that easily predictable. I think he's going to continue to manipulate the media so as to stop turning away reasonable voters in disgust. It's entirely unpredictable, and something we should genuinely fear for once (despite all the shit the media tries to make you to fear).
Relevant to recent discussion:

I must confess I don't either. This thread is weirdly passive-aggressive sometimes. I get the sense some people here don't like other people here!:hyper:
I almost wish Sting was still here just to see how on earth he'd react to Trump.
I like some people here and dislike some people here. I know who will offer me a hug and who will not! I am Omnipotent Mickey!
It could go either way. I doubt he'd support him, but if he did, he'd be the guy who hands out the baseball bats.

Trump is against the Iraq War. Therefore, STING would view him as foolish and naive, because toppling Saddam was the greatest act of human courage we've seen since the 2nd World War. Saddam was literally history's biggest monster and the world was living under the threat of mass destruction at his hands up until W finally showed the courage and fortitude so lacking in previous presidents and decided to liberate the globe from his menace.

Also, there were a lot of UN resolutions. Like 1447 of them or something.
It could go either way. I doubt he'd support him, but if he did, he'd be the guy who hands out the baseball bats.

STING was socially pretty liberal and, while a capitalist, wasn't that rapacious. Nor was he at all a bigot.

He just really, really liked war. Thought it was a good way to solve problems. The question was never, "should we go to war?" It was, "in what ways could we address this geopolitical situation by using war?"
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