It's Officially #Kentucky

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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all I know is that KFC genetically modifies some damn good synthetic chicken
have you ever tasted the sweet wonder of Mary Browns Taters?!?!?!

they make KFC potato wedges taste like burning acid

and MB chicken far out performs KFC
KFC does, however, make a fine big crunch combo
oh my god, meggy!!'s a canadian chain...but really popular...I thought it might be in america Tim Hortons

*sends meggy Mary Brown taters*

Mary Brown you have the best breasts in town!
like a penguin only smaller, with feathers, making a different sound and living under different conditions
Why would a lemur have any special interest in a penguin besides from eating their eggs?
but allowing oneself to be instructed by penguins will lead to no advancement in skill.
unless you want to waddle about all day pretending you can fly
I hate nothing

I just think Mary Browns should be all over the world so people could bask in the lovely chicken breasts' and taters
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