It's Officially # Grey Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elvis' Naughty Angel
Jan 10, 2001
not here
:crack: I just found a grey hair sticking out of the top of my head. It was bright grey/white and four inches long and corse and wavey! :der: I have straight dark brown hair and I am only 28!!!! :scream: This can't be happening.
I don't want to go grey before my time....

I am hidious. :|
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uh oh angel. prepare yourself. :uhoh:

i started a thread like this once because i had a grey hair and people started msn painting me. it got scary.


but it was one of my favorite threads ever. :wave:
It stings where I yanked it out. It was so thick. Geeross. :der:

People keep telling me if you pull it out, two more will grow back :reject:
Angel said:
It stings where I yanked it out. It was so thick. Geeross. :der:

People keep telling me if you pull it out, two more will grow back :reject:

It's true!!!!!!!!

My fur used to be orange and white!!!!!!!!!
My first white hair was at 14 now I?m 25 and I think that 50 % of my hair is white. I hate to dye my hair:mac: :mad: :mad:

I have the same problem that my mother. Genetics sucks!!!
I wish I?d be blonde :scream:
i asked my hairdresser if i should start dying my hair. he told me no and he will be the first to say it looks bad. lol i love him. he is the longest relationship i have ever had with a guy. lol i am going on 8 years with him. haha. /random hairdresser secret crush note

anyway people tell me it looks good. i just give up and count it as another beauty flaw. :angry:
Yeah, I'm only 25 and I found one last year...I've been trying not to look for them lately. :huh: Apparently my dad's mom started losing hair pretty early. I'll take grey as long as I at least can keep the hair.
:eyebrow: clear?

I have been pretty stressed out the past couple months. It could be a result of that. I don't think I have any more. I wouldn't care SO much, if it weren't for the fact that it's totally a different texture and it's curly. :crazy: <-- Like this smilie. :crack:
Did you measure your "silver" hair with a ruler...maybe its only 2 inches long

One time I found a white hair on my I dyed it
Im dying my hair pink in June after my exams :hyper: Well just little bits of pink I havent decided yet
screaming flower I :heart: your avatar. and pourqoui green hair? lol
lara-> I did not measure it, but I swear it was 4 inches. I actually put it in a sealed envelope. I think I'll give it to my parents and say "SEE! Look what you do to me! :rant:" :lmao:
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