IT'S OFFICIAL #The Blair Witch Project (And Bonochick Is One Foxy Lady!)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
It's Official: The Blair Witch Project

I finally saw it on DVD.
It was scary.

I have to sleep alone tonight :help:

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this thread will get close for not having IO in it
isnt that scary meneer Tanden?
What are you talking about this thread is full of IO. In fact, it is so official that putting it in the title would be overkill.
tell bc
she will beat you up and close the thread

dont say i dint warn you :shifty:
when my old housemate saw blair witch for the first time, she insisted on sleeping in my room with me that night. her bedroom was up in the attic and earlier that week the loft hatch had opened of it's own accord. she was certain that there was something creepy up there and if she went up she would discover little bundles of sticks and other witchy paraphernalia

the reason why I cry myself to sleep at night doesn't have to do with the blair witch project
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