IT'S OFFICIAL #Personal Attack

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Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
So there's this girl at the Ryan Adams board who often catches crap for posting long-winded, fairly non-sensical stuff. Her username is stumblinginthedark. People can be super nasty to her, but I always figured she seemed all right, so I was one of the few people who actually stood up for her when other people were nasty. Today though, I did a little light teasing in a thread about possibly having a meeting for people on the board:

I hope stumbling doesn't give a speech...or if she does, we'll have to be on the first floor in case people jump out of windows.

I kid because I love, stumbling. ;)

Well, she totally went bitchcakes on me. :ohmy: :lol: Here...for your amusement...

oh I love you too Bonochick! don't worry! I won't be attending your convention!!! I'd only spend $, time and energy to go see Ryan play...not be part of your pretend country club getogether.

you don't even know me fuckin bitch! I barely talk to my friends much...a few words here and there...and pretty good listener. same at work. if I'm so awful, how come as soon as I go to a new job, suddenly people are drawn to me and seem to like me?

your judgements and ill will and hostility belie your pooooor sense of character, morals and personality.

that was nasty nasty nasty!

I came here today to check out some Ryan vids...cuz haven't been able to in ages! was gonna ask about that.

but after your nasty comment. never mind! I've got BETTER things to do! than waste my time on a HATE board like this!!!

have a NICE day!

I agree. totally. but some of the supposedly 'cool' people the very popular Bonochick...are almost as bad. dumb and propogater of hatred and verbal violence.

it's no wonder Canadians for decades have been PROUDLY wearing and showing off their Canadian flags on their backpacks when travelling!

but then so sad, cuz course many Americans are nice. but why some have to think they are SOOO better than some or others and perpetuate the image of Americans as sooooooo arrogant!

(sorry but I am pretty pissed off than it only takes 5 minutes before some fat ass cow with a slut for a dad has to start insulting me! and ruin any fun that could be had here! but never gets banned or chastised of course. somehow it's considered 'ok' to do like that to others.)"

btw, I meant to add "and your brother was prob conceived by the milkman and your daddy prob doesn't love your mother and secretly loves her sister...."

meaning you low class, unsophisticated.....jealous....

(you prob live in a shack somewhere and use an outhouse for a washroom and haven't bathed in 2 weeks....and....)

well then she shouldn't say:

"ya, I hope stumbling doesn't give one of her speeches. then we'll all jump off a building!"

you don't think that's Nasty??!! I find that VERY nasty! and hurtful. I just got up. bit curious bout things here...wanted to check some threads, maybe some RA vids...and tour related things. I make a joke about myself...good naturedly...and have to 'hear'/read THAT??! sorry. that is just uncalled for in my books!!

the fact that people can't discriminate that that is unnecessary hostility....AND perpetuates what most or alot of non-Americans associate WITH the American personality...I just DON'T get that! that you guys don't see that. it's appalling and disheartening to me.

I NEVER start the hostility! it's ALWAYS ALWAYS either Bonochick or Brandy Bomb or Xtie lynn or Voice of Reason or someone like that.

I'm sorry. but I'm just not the kind of person to ignore stuff like that.

you guys REALLY need to take a look at yourselves! as a culture and all that. You point fingers at politicians but you contribute in little ways to bad vibes and feelings around the world. my opinion. and I LIKE your country and culture mostly. But alot, alot of people around me shake their heads and say things like this....about your arrogance and bad attitude and all that. in general.

wake up and smell the coffee! clean up your act. be nice to people. don't try to pass up hate for some kindof social comedy or humour! ain't workin! not nice!

(sorry, but that's how I feel. I am very angry, hurt and offended right now. not to mention sooooo tired of having to defend myself CONSTANTLY here! the endless little verbal attacks towards me. very tiresome.)
OMG, she just posted more! :lol:

yes, I am sure Bonochick is a nice person in 'real life'. But so am I. and I did NOT find that joke funny! I've got alot going on in my life right sometimes crazy neighbour went 'off' on me again pretty much shook me up.

anyways, I get tired of the endless insults. I DON'T find them that funny or funny at all.

it's always the same old same old. things are fine for a while...a few days...a week. then slowly the little digs, putdowns and insults start appearing. towards me. it piles up. I ignore, ignore, ignore then one day I 'blow up'...lose my temper and super insult back.

I don't like insulting neither. I just cannot BELIEVE how tolerant people are here of behaviour that I find almost intolerable.

If I write long posts alot, and it bothers people...I am SO sorry! I've been posting and ranting alot, alot less lately! soo...

I am a nice person in 'real life' too! ask anyone around friends and associates.

I challenge any of these people who are constantly sneering at and about me...laughing at me at my expense...critisising me come 'here' and look at me in the my my eyes...and do the same! I bet you wouldn't do it!

anyways...yes, I have some deleting to do.

thankfully the allure of this 'place' is lately fading for me. find it a bit boring alot. sometimes fun. yes, I like talking to Doogie sometimes, cuz find him interesting at times. thinks about things. things that matter to me too...

but it does seem like a sortof sick, twisted 'sport' of sorts. I think it's intentional...or seems that way.

insult me, piss me off, provoke me...over and over...then watch me go 'off'...act all shocked and outraged...and then imitate me and mock me some more. endless putdowns.

I'll try not to contribute but it's difficult. I don't find this is a very 'safe' place lately. to be who or how I I am. I get the feeling there's a 'right' way to be...people want me to be like them. and can't handle me being different or whatever. I can't be other than who and what I am.

anyways, found this in my emails. I like this quote:

"That you are here--that life exists, and identity;
That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse."

(from O me! O life! by Walt Whitman)

All this from one innocent joke I made. :der: :laugh:
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'real life'



but it does seem like a sortof sick, twisted 'sport'

go 'off'...


She "reminds" me of "Joey" from "Friends"
Damn! What an over sensitive fruitcake! Hehe reminds me of someone here so guess they're all over the place. I wouldn't worry about it BC, just let it go and ignore---it'll gradually dissapear.
Is that Walt Whitman quote correct? That's not how I remember Robin Williams saying it in Dead Poet's Society :lol:
bono_212 said:
Is that Walt Whitman quote correct? That's not how I remember Robin Williams saying it in Dead Poet's Society :lol:

I thought he quoted that in the class when he tells them they can call him captain.
:der: She might think of changing her name from 'stumblinginthedark' to 'barrellingtowardananuerysm'. Damn, girl! - try the decaf!!! :eyebrow:
MORE!!!!! :lol:

I want to delete what I said, but I don't wanna look at this thread.

also, for me, jokes about jumping outta buildings, considering the date and time (and ya know...tragedy associated with)...that's partly why I thought it was pretty offensive. I didn't find it funny. but I'll let it go. and hopefully delete my harsh words later...some point.

btw, I know lots of music peops in Vancouver. want some of their emails? you can ask em what I'm like. like when I see on street corners, do I 'give' em a speech? or do anyone else....say a few words, hello, and goodbye and carry on my day and way. my social skills are not nearly as BAD as some of yous make out.

I'm sure if you met me at such imagined convention, you'd actually prob find me quite aloof.

anyways. today I 'remembered' Nancy Trot in grade two, who all the kids said had 'coodies' or whatever. There was also a super nerdy boy too, everyone made fun of. Always felt sorry for them.

you guys (sometimes) make me feel like that. when I am soooo not!
OK BC - tell the truth.... you made this shit up, didn't you? :eyebrow: :lol:

I mean, are headcases like this just free to wander around in polite society without supervision? :ohmy: :no:

I think medication could be this girl's bestest friend ever. She needs to seriously look into some Paxil or Zoloft or Lexapro - whatever! :yes:
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One thing....are people still egging her on or is she just randomly posting more and more without any beckoning of other members?
bono_212 said:
One thing....are people still egging her on or is she just randomly posting more and more without any beckoning of other members?

People were replying to pretty much defend me, and I was doing the same for myself...and she would just keep launching off. That Americans/Canadians thing was totally left field...I guess just because she's Canadian, and I'm American, and I obviously must represent the entire population of the United States. :lol:

She finally apologized though...long and rambling, but an apology nonetheless. :lol: She said she felt really bad last night and was going to email me, and she wishes that everything could just be deleted.
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