It's Official#I surprised it hasn't turned to rust

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Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
according to the main page, Claw is 100 years old....and you look fabu for your signs of rust at all.

If I was cool, I would photoshop the claw in bermuda shorts, hawaiian shirt, one of those white hat thingies, half calf white socks, keds with no laces, and a large camera with the neck strap.

Happy Birthday Claw....may you stay forever oiled, and forever keep your youthful clawness.
Yes, thank you. I am quite old. But, you will all be happy to know, age means nothing to claw.

Thank you for the birthday wishes and the lovely thread.

so you drew the short straw in the reincarnation cue?


did the cyclops trade in his mace for the claw to complete this renaissance?
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for someone who inhaled helium on a regular basis Skeletor encapsulated all that is corrupt and evil..
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