it's official # I have a new habit

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
May 22, 2002
hoping for changes
During the election campaign I started compulsively adding links to my URL history site (the one with "castle2" in the URL). I told myself I'd stop after the election. Unfortunately, I can't stop adding links to it. I have a feeling that people who use this site are already pissed off at me because now it takes twice as long to load, and since I can't stop adding to it, well, it's going to be a nightmare for anyone on dial-up. :wink:
Oh, no! Me a nun? Well, I *am* a practicing Catholic. But I'm not the "nun type" at all, particularly not the orders who still wear habits!:wink:
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