Its Official#I hate spiders

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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one of my most distinctive spider memories was of one in particular whose eyes glowed slightly in the dark..while pretending to play dead under a sofa..I swear the devil has some influence somewhere with these creatures..I know I had a pop at ferrets a while ago but these are higher up in the devil chain...never been comfortable at all around spiders...I don't know how you manage with those immaculately coiffured giant b*****ds Angie? :scream: :|

[edit]..that didn't do Ali any good did it?? :huh:[/edit]
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Well see there you go acro, there is proof that they are evil. You actually found one that had eyes that glowed slightly in the dark? How can people sit there and say they are normal and have their place in this world???? Its not on! That is freaky. Argh!
The spiders we actually have a problem with are red backs and they are at least relatively small. Still scary looking and quite harmful. We have nests of them at the moment around the barbeque. :(
All the big ugly psycho spiders you learn to just keep away from, like your white tails, funnel webs and the deceptively harmless huntsmen. I once got caught in a phone box with a white tail. I screamed lke I was being murdered, it was a residential area and NOT ONE PERSON came out of their house to see if little old me was ok.

Ah well.
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