It's Official - anecdote for the day

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 15, 2000
full of sound and fury
A perfectly blue sky stayed with us the entire day, so I decided to make chalk pictures on the sidewalk near my apartment. An eight-year-old girl came along and asked me what was it I was drawing. I showed her my pencil-drawn picture of a girl that I was copying onto the sidewalk. She then asked, ?What is it for?? To which I replied, ?For fun!? And upon hearing that magical word, her face brightened up and I offered her some chalks. She then made a couple of drawings of flowers, a house and more flowers with a blue background. Pretty gifted, I might add, for an eight-year-old. She kept imitating my actions, dipping her chalk stick in water before drawing, as I was doing, and drawing in a circle format, as I was. She then asked what the time was, realized it was almost time for her to head home, and off she went. Sometimes kids can really make one's day...

What is your anecdote?


so bounce, basketball, bounce

[This message has been edited by foray (edited 04-14-2002).]
Today I was a bit hungover.

We had birthday cake and ice cream, and then I took a nap. I just woke up and will be up till about 3am. And I was supposed to be going to bed early this week.


Do you have an opinion, a mind of your own?
I thought you were special, I thought you should know
I napped off and on today in front of the tv, watching the Star Trek Next Gen. marathon, read the forum, and chatted. I know really exciting...hehe

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-Albert Einstein
Saturday I woke up to song birds and pigeons outside my window. My alma mater does a community spring clean-up. A group of college friends went and raked and cleaned two yards of older women. The smiled and talked with us - they were so happy to have us there.

My girlfriend came to town for the weekend - we went for lunch, hit an gallery where one of my favorite local artists has a show, went to the local University museum (designed by Frank Gehry), grabbed dinner with the GF's friends, and saw an Irish film about James Joyce (Nora). Currently living in a rural community, my girlfriend appreciated the together time and the arts exposure.

I drove by the older ladies' houses today - the grass has turned from yellow to green in two short days.

Togetherness and and a little work will create some Spring hapiness.
Originally posted by TylerDurden:

Where's 'so bounce, basketball, bounce' from?

My friend said this. It was his summation of how he stoically dealt with his terminal disease, on a daily basis. It's a little hard to explain... He imagined a basketball in his heart that just goes on no matter how low the lows go.

I'll be away for a while.


so bounce, basketball, bounce
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