IO - I need a supplmental income

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Breakdancing Soul Pilgrim
Sep 23, 2005
the most serious...douch hammer ever
OK, my company just axed my pension and health benefits, so I get nada after I retire. So, if I do retire in 30 someodd years, I would like to be taken care of, and it looks like I will have to do this myself.

Does anyone have any good ideas of bringing in income (moderate is fine, this is long range) for 30-40 years while holding down a full time job?

How much can I get for my blood? It's an Italian/Scottish(royalty mind you)/Irish/English/German mix. I'm relatively healthy, though I could afford to lose some pounds. I eat lots of vegetables.

The old people sounds both interesting and fun! I love it. But most old people don't walk around with wads of cash. Maybe I'll do that as a side hobby.

Thanks for your help!
blood, I'm not sure how much $$ you get for it, since I have never sold/donated my blood due to excessive amounts of alcohol and other forgeign illegal highly toxic subtances found only in remote parts of the globe that linger in my blood stream

stealing from old people is rather easy. Go to the bocci ball courts on a sunday morning in your local park (Dunkin Donuts works as well) and strike up a conversation about the weather w/ an old fellow. If he/she is wearing anything expensive, he/she probablly has some cash at home under a mattress or in cookie jar. Once they invite you back for afternoon tea at his/her apt/house, go on a stealing spree...
I've tried twice to donate blood. I was rejected both time. I think I had a cold or something, I dunno.

OK, I'll look into the old people thing. I'll cruise the south shore of long island, see what's going on there. Should I wear a ski mask or just go au natural?
go natural. a mask might frighten them into soiling their undergarments.

go natural, tell them how much you loved your grandparents and wish that you were closer to them. They will take you in, become your serrogate grandparents, buy you xmas and birthday gifts. All the while, you are taking their old fine china and knick knacks and selling them on Ebay for a handsome profit.:wink:
and don't forget the eventual inheritance....:hyper:

and you can always "speed up" that timeline if you know what I mean:ohmy:
bartending is a great gig if you can get it....however, if I am interpreting your words correctly, you are looking to make cash w/o much time consumption. Bartending is like 9 hours a night (or day if you work in a shady bar)
Re: Re: IO - I need a supplmental income

zoney! said:

Airlines employee! :up:

Funny you say that, cause I used to be on of them too. I left with a small pension, but that company recently went bankrupt, so it's possible I lost two pensions in a matter of months.

The company I work for now isn't bankrupt. Just cheap. Who needs the middle class, you know?
you could finally part ways w/ your prized Barbie Doll and Cabage Patch Kid collections and sell them......:hmm:
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