IO: Chocolate Salad

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
I just poured Hershey's chocolate syrup on my salad by accident.

My salad is ruined now :angry:
DreamOutLoud13 said:
I accidentally took a sip of Pine-Sol once, because it was on the table next to my Mello Yello :barf:

OMG :barf:

I took a sip of hydrogen peroxide once when a friend was dying my hair. It was in a cup and I totally wasnt thinking and thought it was water. I felt so freaking weird right after and was freaking out and we called poison control and they told me to try to vomit. It was so horrible.

A few years ago, I sprayed furniture polish all over my dining room, thinking it was air freshener and Rick once sprayed hairspray under his arm instead of deodorant :reject: :lol:
Sicy said:
OMG :barf:

I took a sip of hydrogen peroxide once when a friend was dying my hair. It was in a cup and I totally wasnt thinking and thought it was water. I felt so freaking weird right after and was freaking out and we called poison control and they told me to try to vomit. It was so horrible.
That reminds me. Apparently when my mom was really little, she accidentally drank gasoline. My grandfather had some in a glass Coke bottle for some reason, and not knowing any better, she picked it up and tasted it. My grandmother called the pediatrician, and he said to give her bread soaked in milk. My mother doesn't actually remember any of it.
Sorry about your salad, Sicy. :barf:
DreamOutLoud13 said:
I accidentally took a sip of Pine-Sol once, because it was on the table next to my Mello Yello
As a teenager I volunteered at a local veterinary clinic, and more than once we had people bring in dogs who had horribly inflamed skin because their owners used undiluted Pine-Sol as a flea dip on them. Apparently it really is somewhat of an 'old country remedy' to add a small amount of Pine-Sol, which is toxic to fleas, to the dog's bathwater or shampoo as a flea dip (though even that's a stupid risk, since pine oil is very much an irritant and it's unpredictable how a given dog's skin might react, not to mention the risk of them ingesting some). One dog's skin was so badly damaged that all his fur fell out. :(
I was painting with watercolors and drank out of the glass I was dipping my brush in instead of the glass with my beverage. :sad:

Chocolate syrup on a salad though? That's pretty bad...:lmao:
I bit a microphone once thinking it was a slice of pizza. I was eating dinner and announcing at the same time. Sue me.
phillyfan26 said:
I bit a microphone once thinking it was a slice of pizza. I was eating dinner and announcing at the same time. Sue me.

:lmao: :lmao:

I've drunk paint water too:shifty:

When I was little I thought it might be interesting to see what curry powder smelt like. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turns out it's not so good:crack:
How can you RUIN something with CHOCOLATE?????:scratch:

:shifty: peanutbutter and cheese sandwich anyone???


I've drunk paint water a lot of times... and once I ate a candle when I thought it was a cookie... (hey, I was like... 7 or so!) candles do NOT taste good!
This thread is a mixture of :yuck: and :lmao:

More :yuck: than :lmao:


When my family went to a "Semana Santa" (Holly week) celebration the father was suposed to throw holly water to the crowd, instead he threw Chlorine :lmao: the holly water and the chlorine were stored in cocacola bottles :lmao: My poor mom ended up with irritated eyes :sad: and my sister´s shirt was decolorated :lmao:
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