IO: Break Shit

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Lets all break shit shall we?? It really does a body good!

I'll start with breaking the cops face that gave me a ticket today for having my side windows tinted! Good lord dont they have anything better to do?? Not only have I now wasted the money to have it done but I have to spend more money to take it off! And not only that but I freaking hate when people stare at me when I'm driving the whole reason I got them in the first place :mad: :scream:

Merry day after Christmas!
What do you want to break?? :madspit:
I was like wtf am I being pulled over for for gods sakes I was stuck in 10 mph traffic!

Me: "Yes??"

Bitchcop: "Oh no big deal, your windows are tinted, license and registration please"

Me: "You have to be kidding me"

Then it takes her like 15 minutes to write a freaking ticket. In the meantime I'm on a busy road and people are driving by hooting and hollering at me :banghead: Some ass even took my picture!?? He's like "sue their ass!" LMAO.

Me: "You know I can probably count right now 5 cars with their front windows tinted"

Bitchcop: "Well that's fine they'll get theirs too. But for all I know you could have a gun pointed at my face and I wouldnt be able to see it through these tinted windows. Drive safe!"

Then another bitch forgot to put cheese on my burger and my fries were cold! :sad:
wow, that's rough.

cops like that need to be removed. and by removed, i mean

well, you know.

i mean something.

what that something IS, i'm not exactly sure of. nothing violant, no, but still. perhaps their homes need to be egged or something, i dunno.
i am ALWAYS up for breaking shit :mad:

and one of these days

someone's really going to piss me off and it's gonna be this goddamned monitor.

Can I clarify something? You guys dont have to wear seatbelts, but if you [dramatic pause] have your WINDOWS tinted, you get a fine????


Break away Sicy, that's fucked.
I believe you can get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt here too but unlike in Australia, it is legal to talk on a mobile phone while you are driving.

That sucks, Sicy. :down:

*breaks an expensive vase for you*
ARGH! Bitch cops!

I'm going to fight a ticket tomorrow afternoon for a similar episode. This one claims I blew a stop sign and cut her off. Please... who in their right mind would see a state trooper coming towards you and do something like that? I seriously thought she was responding to another call when I saw her lights/sirens and only kind of half pulled over. She was less than friendly too. It was a beautiful summer day and I bet she was pissy because she was working or something. She looked at my license and said, "you're from this area so you know there was a stop sign there", when in fact I had never been in that area before in my life, and had no idea where I was , I was looking for a friends house. But anyways, end of rant for now I suppose. We'll see if I get my $100 dollar fee revoked tomorrow!
Angela Harlem said:
Can I clarify something? You guys dont have to wear seatbelts, but if you [dramatic pause] have your WINDOWS tinted, you get a fine????

Actually we do have to wear seatbelts. That's a fine if they catch us not wearing it and OH YES they pull you over JUST FOR THAT too :rolleyes: :madspit:

And it didnt sound like I'd be getting a fine, just a 'fix it' ticket but I still have to pay to get the damn tint taken off which I am just really pissed about because I DONT WANT TO!!!!!!! :sad:

She is Raging, that sucks! Good luck with fighting it!
i was thinking, shouldn't the people at the tinting place be somehow responsible for letting you know before you have it done that hey, FYI, this level of tint is illegal here in california, you might get ticketed, blah blah blah...

or am i just being idealistic again, expecting that people should be cool and courteous and not just out to make a buck?

bitch cop :mad:

tint guys :mad:
They did let me know.. :( It's my own fault somewhat :angry:

Now I'm on a mad hunt to find someone that knows a cop. Damn I wish I was friends with a cop!
I suggested that the ticket-bearer walk into the local Highway Patrol station and ask the desk officer for his opinion of how dark the windows are, stressing the fact that she bought the car in as-is condition....

It would help if she dressed like the Sicilian Princess she is but don't you think its a good, but slimey way, to get that ticket signed off?????????

Show of hands...:up:

Here it is legal to have your side windows tinted but not all the windows tinted. I know so many people who have gotten tickets for really small things while we know a man who drinks and drives (at over 100mph!) and the young bloke who lives across the street rakes up and down like a maniac and sometimes he will race (in a narrow road) with 2 of his friends and their cars. :tsk: I'm afraid one of the children from a house a few doors down would run out someday and they would hit them. One of our neighbours said she had phoned the police to complain about the driving but they said they couldn't do anything about it.
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