I.O.--I aced the semester!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
May 9, 2006
I am soo happy. I worked my arse off and received all As(except one B+) for my courses. I need to scream.....and dance...........:happy: :dance:
Yippie. It brought up my GPA. I'm soo happy!
I listened to U2 songs when I studied (at least most of the time).
Re: hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi

zoney! said:
You are still a newbie.

I do not love you.

Therefore you failed basic logic.


You sound like a 4 year old... My 4 year old.

Me: [cursing]
Nat: What's wrong, mum?
Me: Damn P-Platers and their crappy tiny cars... or worse, big cars that they don't know how to drive!
Nat: Mum, this is a big car, so what does make you? You're... a ... what are you mum?
Me: [blink]
Nat: You're a P-Plater too!

I want to make Kat cry....cry LAUGHING!


See...even Four year old Nat has passed pre-school logic.

That girl (your daughter) is going to be New Zealand's top lawyer some day! :D
Wow. I was just really happy and wanted to tell someone. BTW, I'm not that much of a newbie. I've been a fan for a very long time but just did not register until recently (and I do not post much).
AND, I am glad you don't love me.
This is getting sassy. :sad:

I will say though that if zoney doesn't love you, you've got nothing. The day zoney stops loving me, I will vanish into thin air.

april showers bring may flowers

Bonochick said:
This is getting sassy. :sad:

I will say though that if zoney doesn't love you, you've got nothing. The day zoney stops loving me, I will vanish into thin air.



So, something like this then?

may said:
Wow. I was just really happy and wanted to tell someone. BTW, I'm not that much of a newbie. I've been a fan for a very long time but just did not register until recently (and I do not post much).
AND, I am glad you don't love me.

Jeff, Zoney!/Zonelistener, is this forum's kinda Arsehole Cop. Now you might be thinking "and I should care...why, exactly?" I certainly hope you are! Becaause that is the point. Best to give our Jeff/Zoney/Zonelistener as good as he gives. In fact, I think he's a closet facist who will be turned into a football when he gets to heaven so we can all kick him around :drool:

Rules for IO:
1. No U2
2. Be mean to Jeff
3. Keep it as off any particular topic as you possibly can. Anything that is crap is great - we're like flies to shit in here.
4. Fake anger is essential (nearly all anger displayed in here is fake, don't ever buy into it. Seriously, those who are 'real' angry will sort it out with those they are 'real' angry at. We just watch and throw rocks at them while they do it.

Welcome to IO. :wink:

And congrats!
I heart anna becaause of how she spells becaause

Angela Harlem said:

Rules for IO:
1. No U2
2. Be mean to Jeff
3. Keep it as off any particular topic as you possibly can. Anything that is crap is great - we're like flies to shit in here.
4. Fake anger is essential (nearly all anger displayed in here is fake, don't ever buy into it. Seriously, those who are 'real' angry will sort it out with those they are 'real' angry at. We just watch and throw rocks at them while they do it.

Welcome to IO. :wink:

And congrats!

i really need to hang out here more often

Angela Harlem said:

Jeff, Zoney!/Zonelistener, is this forum's kinda Arsehole Cop. Now you might be thinking "and I should care...why, exactly?" I certainly hope you are! Becaause that is the point. Best to give our Jeff/Zoney/Zonelistener as good as he gives. In fact, I think he's a closet facist who will be turned into a football when he gets to heaven so we can all kick him around :drool:

Rules for IO:
1. No U2
2. Be mean to Jeff
3. Keep it as off any particular topic as you possibly can. Anything that is crap is great - we're like flies to shit in here.
4. Fake anger is essential (nearly all anger displayed in here is fake, don't ever buy into it. Seriously, those who are 'real' angry will sort it out with those they are 'real' angry at. We just watch and throw rocks at them while they do it.

Welcome to IO. :wink:

And congrats!
yes, I am talking at YOU

Anna/AngelaHarlem forgot the most important point....the one often overlooked by most "newbies" (newbies are defined by the fact that they do not realize this rule, even if they have posted on Interference for YEARS):

7A.2) If it is truly official, it doesn't belong in IT'S OFFICIAL

It has been purposely left out of the I.O. FAQ so we can laugh in your general direction. :wink:
OK OK I concede. I get it. As much as I dish it out, I'm not used to writing in sarcasm.
But, I still don't care if zoney loves me.
And, I won't mention you know who in here anymore.

Thanks, Angela Harlem.:)
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