Zooropa would be complete if it had HMTMKMKM

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The Fly
Feb 12, 2002
Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA
I reckon Zooropa would be more complete if Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me had been made one of the tracks and thus part of the album.

I say this because the song totally reflects that era of the bands music.

Its one of the most "non-U2 songs".

And I also say this since the song is abbreviated on the front cover of the Zooropa album, if you look closley enough.

Hopefully HMTMKMKM will be part of the Best Of: 1990 - 2000 album.

I can picture it.
An awesome picture of Macphisto or The Fly as part of the artwork.

Now wouldn't that rock
I think it would fit great on Zooropa! I don?t like when they release such good songs and don?t put on any "regular" album...like HMTMKMKM and The ground beneath her feet for instance. For sure it will be added on the next best of, if not - it?s a big mistake.
I don't think it would of fit well on Zooroopa. Zooroopa was too experimental, dark, thrashy, technological.

HMTMKMKM sounded to orchestrated really.

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
I love that song, one of my favorite U2 songs of all the 90's. I used to think that it really should of been on Zooropa, but I'm glad it came out when it did. It was kind of the halfway point between the zoo era and PoP, and it was a very strong single IMO, people really liked the song. I love the fast tempo and "Edgenoize" so tricky and far out there. It was a great thing to have out there at the time to keep people interested and hold them off until the nest album.

I'm sure it will make the nest 'best of..'.
My sentiments exactly... "Hold Me..." would have fit Achtung Baby more than Pop or Zooropa... Its too rock oriented for those album last two albums and would have taken away from the mood of Zooropa. Also its not "electronica-ed out" enough for either albums.

~ "You can't resist her. She's in your bones. She is your marrow and your ride home. You can't avoid her. She's in the air; in between molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide." ~ RC
Yes, It's a great tune. I would guarentee it will be on the next best of. I was thinking that the best of would just be the 90's, but I was thinking if they put out Ground BHF as a single from the BO, it might be cool. I know it is on ATYCLB in some areas of Europe, but nobody, outside this forum, really knows the tune in the US. Either way I think it would work well as a World Wide single...maybe with a new video...what do you all think?

It would not have fitted on to Zooropa. It'd be almost as bad and incoherent as putting Streets on Pop!!! It's too rocking and doesn't have enough elecronica. The most rocking song on Zooropa was Dirty Day and even that was layered with synths. The thing is that strangely works and enhances the song. However, with HMTMKMKM it would have ruined it.

HMTHKMKM could have fitted onto AB or Pop though. I love it - i think it is one U2's all time greatest songs. It sounds like an AB song but with a Pop-sized sound. I suppose this was because Mark "Spike" Stent, who also mixed a lot of Pop, mixed it.
Yeah, sound wise, it sounds like it would have been more in place with the Achtung Baby album, but I think it would have been the highlight of the Zooropa album, and should have been the first single off it. To me, the Zooropa album just falls flat. I know they pruposely threw off any rock tracks recorded for Zooropa, but I don't think it would have hurt the album to put something on it.
I dont think it would have worked on Zooropa either. In fact, that is exactly what the band said about it. Edge basically said they had guitar based songs and they had synth/technological songs and they had to decide which way they wanted to take the album. They obviously went with the synth/techno angle and HMTMKMKM was a casualty. Edge said back then that it had to many guitars to fit with the Zooropa album.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 02-27-2002).]
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