YEEHAA! lost my crappy job today! its a Beautiful Day!!!!

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what a bomb!

Aug 26, 2000
Winchester, England
The place is going down the pan, and last week they announced there will be redundacies and anyone can be considered for voluntary redundacies, so I applied and they approved it! Got ?5600 to put it the bank that means I can sit on my arse for about 6 months! lol Now I can do what I want to do which is starting up my own website design business! WOOHOO!
Just wanted to share that with y'all!
so the sky didn't quite fall then, but it's still a beautiful day!
that might be the best type of beautiful day.


tell me you feel this fire
Never seen someone so happy to lose their job!!
Good for you! Way to look at the positive and good luck with yer new business!!!

What are we going to do now It's all been said,
No new ideas in the house and Every book has been read....
hey if it means you have cash and no worries and the opportunity to do what you really WANT to do for a while, then hooray for ya!
Hey thanks guys! Yes I am truly happy to be out of there as I wanted to go for sometime now but wanted to hold on in case there were redundacies like today! Even if things don't take off then I can find another job locally (the company moved 16 miles away from my home town a few years ago and I had to rely on lifts from fellow workers as I don't drive!)and still try getting my own business off the ground, I know it won't be easy but al least I have tried! lol Gonna paint the town a deep shade of red tonight! lol I can get pissed tonight and have a loooooong lay in tomorrow! lol
Originally posted by what a bomb!:
Gonna paint the town a deep shade of red tonight! lol I can get pissed tonight and have a loooooong lay in tomorrow! lol

<----------green with envy.
ask me how I'm doing in 6 months time when the money has dried up and still have no income! lol I will be holding out the begging bowl or busking U2 songs in here! lol
I AM NOW THE BOSS OF ME! LOL gonna make a profit for myself and not someone else!
Well, its good news for now that you can do as you feel. Good luck with your business. Always good to leave a job you hate and start one you like much better.


Change is the only constant
That's great What a bomb! that you can turn this into an opportunity, instead of seeing it as a tragidy! It is a Beautiful Day! May you and your Biz prosper! Go for it!!And peace and love to ya-U2 style!
I'll drink one tonight on losing some more jobs in the future

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Hey Steve, now that you'll be at home more, I expect to see you on AOL IM once in a while!

Change is the only constant
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