Why so many negative views on Bono's charity work?

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Apr 29, 2001
Let me take this moment to vent a bit about the somewhat venemous attacks on Bono's credibility made by some member's of the public and some journalists.

I cannot understand why these people have such 'selective' memories. So many stories about Bono being someone who just wants to get in front of the camera to help sell some records and, yeah, maybe help a kid or two. These are some of the most ridiculous articles and comments I have ever read.

The most recent on is available at youtwo.com. It as a letter to the editor and the buffoon who wrote goes on and on about Bono's posturing for the camera's. Why this pisses me off so is that there are stories which are readily avaiable that he is not 'just where the cameras are.' He, as we all know, has made numerous trips to Africa to spend time there and immerse himself in the situation. Albeit, these stories are meant to be more personal, articles about the context and tones of his trip(s) are still readily available.

I just can't understand why no one wants to give him credit for simply being a good and forthright citizen in this time where it is much easier to turn away.

This has been quite a rant. I apologize. Please feel free to make any comments, good or bad. This has been my 2 cents.


Peace on Earth.
March 20, 2002
From CBS News:

U2, Mr. President?

WASHINGTON, March 20, 2002

(CBS) Strange bedfellows make great stories. In his latest Against the Grain commentary,
CBSNews.com's Dick Meyer tells one about the President, the Rocker, and the foreign
aid plan

If you believe the press (and why wouldn't you?), the most influential outsider in George
Bush's Washington is not an Armani-clad, K Street lobbyist. It's not a publicity-shy, Texas-
rich FOG, Friend of George. It's not some establishment Wise Man retained by the 41 to
watch over 43. It's not a columnist, a consultant or a concubine.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Bono.

Seriously. Bono, the U2 star with no surname.

Bono has taken celebrity crusading to a higher plane of success and effectiveness. His
"cause" is aid for poor countries, especially Africa, and for fighting AIDS in those countries.
But I don't mean "cause" in the dilettante, Beverly Hills fundraiser sense of the word. By
all accounts, Bono has orchestrated a shrewd, serious, and sustained campaign to
convince the Administration to increase U.S. foreign aid.

It came together on a Thursday in March, one week before the president was scheduled to
go to a big United Nations conference on global poverty in Monterrey, Mexico.

Bono had a meeting with the president, in the Oval Office no less, and then accompanied
him to a speech. In that speech, Mr. Bush proposed to increase foreign aid spending by
$5 billion over the next three years.

The announcement astonished the international aid crowd. And it meant that Mr. Bush
could go to Monterrey and not get too badly heckled and harangued, as was anticipated.

The snapshots from Bono's long national tour are wonderful.

He worked Capitol Hill first. The Dems were easy, always suckers for celebrity photo-ops.
He warmed up the less rock 'n roll side of the aisle after getting audiences with the Pope
and Billy Graham.

Daringly, Bono then went for the ultimate convert -- Jesse Helms, a notorious foreign aid
Scrooge and Mr. Hard Right. And it worked.

In June, Jesse Helms, age 80, grabbed his cane and went to a U2 concert in Washington.

"People were moving back and forth like corn in the breeze," said newly gentle Jesse.
Helms said Bono changed his mind about anti-AIDS funding and debt relief for poor
countries. "You can see the halo over his head," Helms said.

Then Bono began to crack the administration itself. Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice fell
first. But Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, another unabashed international aid skeptic,
refused to see Bono. "I thought he was some pop star who wanted to use me," he said.
But he relented.

Their meetings went so well that the unlikely duo will tour Africa together in May. Really.

All the while, Bono and U2, after 22 years, are on a remarkable roll. Their concerts became
informal homage to 9/11. They starred at the Super Bowl. They cleaned up at the Grammy

Bono rolled right into the Oval Office. But these things don't happen without a lot of
calculation and choreography by White House thought-and-action police. A private
meeting with POTUS and a tag-a-long to a major and controversial policy announcement
are certified Big Deals.

Logic would seem to dictate one of two conclusions: Either Bono played a substantial role
in influencing the Administration's change of course on foreign aid, or the Administration
was going to do it anyway and was just using Bono as a prop.

There is a third theory floating around town. It's that Republicans suffer from Celebrity Envy.
The Democrats usually get the pick of coolest stars from leftie Hollywood and the music
world. Republicans have been stuck with jocks, astronauts and Arnold. On this game
board, Bono is a humongous coup. It's giant step for Republican hipness, which has
been an oxymoron.

The policy implications of the coolization of the Republican Party are earth shattering. If, for
example, Julia, Tom, J Lo, Oprah, Madonna, Brad and Jennifer made a concerted,
Bonoesque run at the GOP, I believe the two parties would merge within a few years. The
remaining uber-party would then merge with Disney/AOL Time Warner/Viacom, and then
Microsoft and then American life would be simplified immensely.

Anyway, back on the Planet Earth, we probably owe Bono a big thank you. The United
States is still one of the least generous rich countries with its foreign aid money. But
leading an assault on global terrorism has changed perspectives on global poverty.

"Poverty doesn't cause terrorism," the President said in his aid speech. "Yet persistent
poverty and oppression can lead to hopelessness and despair? And when governments
fail to meet these basic needs of their people, these failed sates can become havens for

U2, Mr. President? Welcome aboard.

Dick Meyer, a veteran political and investigative producer for CBS News, is Editorial
Director of CBSNews.com based in Washington.

Not to stir any fires or anything - but doesn't anyone ever get tired of Bono's crusade?


" You love this town - even if that doesn't ring true. You've been all over, and it's been all over you " - Bono

" Don't you know there ain't no Devil, that's just God when he's drunk " - Tom Waits
Originally posted by Zoocifer:
Not to stir any fires or anything - but doesn't anyone ever get tired of Bono's crusade?


you can turn your back if you want to. why would you get tired of his crusade?
he is asking you to care as the mouthpiece of a much larger organization which is a component of a much larger movement. none of which are large enough given the enormity of the problem. true it is a problem amongst many others within our society but it is most definetely a problem.

personally i am tiring of people suggesting bono should just 'stick to pop', which is an increasingly common sentiment. bono isn't hurting anyone, he is only helping.
Originally posted by Zoocifer:
Not to stir any fires or anything - but doesn't anyone ever get tired of Bono's crusade?


I get tired of it only because it cuts into the groups ability to record more music in the studio. I admire what he does, but I would rather have more music from U2 than anything.
Originally posted by Zoocifer:
Not to stir any fires or anything - but doesn't anyone ever get tired of Bono's crusade?


Disclaimer - This is my own personal opinion and I am not putting anyone down for being tired of Bono...but

If he were to back off at this point, if he scaled back his crusade, people would say "see, we knew he'd get bored and quit, just another spoiled rock star who shot off his mouth and didn't follow through." There are people out there waiting for that to happen just so they can say he wasn't sincere.

To accomplish the type of change he is trying to bring about, you need to be out there, in the press, being a pest, as he now describes himself.

Anyone who is tired of it can just change the channel or not read the story. This is not a put down to anyone who is tired of Bono's constant crusading I'm just saying there is a reason he is everywhere right now but we all have the choice not to pay attention to him.

So no, Zoocifer, I am not tired of Bono's crusading but I'm sure there are many, many people out there who are.
Myself, no I am not getting tired of his crusade. The man is someone to look up to, he's a good example of the different kind of rock star to idolize. Not the one that blows his money on drugs, the one that trashes hotel rooms, has a videotape of him and his super model girlfriend on the market, someone that hasn't burnt out before the age of 30.

He's is a band that has proven to be as big as the Stones and Beatles, his tireless efforts for charity are something to be proud of, he wants to make a change and knows how to do it.

What's so wrong about it?

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
Originally posted by Bono's American Wife:

This is not a put down to anyone who is tired of Bono's constant crusading...

Constant crusading? Hey, I like that. That's my new name for him, the Constant Crusader.
Does it make you feel "cool" to be tired of it??? Think he's gone over the edge...well, that's precisely why he's doing it. Why not, if you feel passionate about something, it's certainly bound to stir the creative fires as well.

Bono's stated many times he wants to be uncool, unhip...he enjoys being nicknamed the Pest...people are definitely talking about the issues and putting money, relieving debt, raising awareness...basically playing the politics and aid game for a global-reaching effect to relieve despair and poverty and give some hope.

I personally don't care if you're tired of it. I don't think it'll shut me up.

If your glass house should crack....POE
Originally posted by Zoocifer:
Not to stir any fires or anything - but doesn't anyone ever get tired of Bono's crusade?


You know, I have heard a few people say this. In fact, the other day, my dad said to me, "you know, I am getting sick of seeing this guy."

It is common to become "tired" of seeing someone. I dont think that the people who say that they are tired of something necessarily mean that they feel anything bad about that person. They just think that the person is becoming redundant.

In sports, I hear people all the time say that they are sick of seeing Michael Jordan. Now we all know that Jordan is still great, it is just that we have seen him so much that we want to see something else.

Personally, I never get tired of seeing Bono or U2 in the news. I understand if other people do.

In this case concerning Bono and his work, I hope he never goes away because he is doing good. Anyone who doesnt see that is just being ignorant and talking with their hearts and not their heads!
alright, a question for you guys:

How many of us have the same response toward other Hollywood types who push their pet causes at any given opportunity and offer unsolicited opinions? It seems that every celebrity has to have a political or social cause that defines them. Few, if any,of these celebrities would be given a platform except for their fame. Many show little evidence of being informed or intelligent, but instead appear self-absorbed, chemically-imbalanced, out of touch with reality, and bloated on the caloric intake of their own cultural idolatry. So, for example, when I hear some musician or actress lecture me on reproductive rights, or spew PETA propaganda, or tell me to clean my chimney for the sake of people in Mexico, or campaign for politicians, I usually respond with the repulsion that they deserve for exploiting their image.

I agree with some of Bono's political stances, and disagree with some. However, I don't tire of hearing him "preach." I respect him because a) his music has impacted me greatly, b) because i respect his intelligence, and c) because i know that he stays informed on the issues closest to his heart. However, i completely understand people whose response to him is "Shut up and sing."
I think it's great, the things Bono does. In fact, I'm not sure that in my 18 year history of U2 fandom, have i ever been more proud of him - not even in the 80s! He has been given great gifts from God, and he uses that to help people. What a great guy; I don't even know how people can even entertain the thought that he should stop.
How many people use their gifts to help other people even a little bit?
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