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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Originally posted by Ana:
Does Bono really say that?

I've gotta hear that

holy wow...I'm actually surprised people are asking this. lol. They've always been extremely forthright about what that song is based on (read ATEOTW sometime) and Bono has been saying that whole "Jesus, this is Judas" line at at least all of the Elevation shows I attended. Just check out some of the bootlegs from this tour.
Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
holy wow...I'm actually surprised people are asking this. lol. They've always been extremely forthright about what that song is based on (read ATEOTW sometime) and Bono has been saying that whole "Jesus, this is Judas" line at at least all of the Elevation shows I attended. Just check out some of the bootlegs from this tour.

Ditto Sula.. I thought at first it would be a "What does UTEOTW stand for?" topic or something. Shocking


"You must not look down on someone just 'cos they are 14 years old. When I was that age I listened to the music of John Lennon and it changed my way of seeing things, so I'm just glad that 14 year olds are coming to see U2 rather than group X." - Bono, 1988
Originally posted by ouizy:
"...Jesus this is Judas..."

Bono says at the beginning of Until the End of the World.

I wish he wouldn't say that, it's kinda lame.

Children by the millions sing for Alex Chilton
Originally posted by candyfloss:
I wish he wouldn't say that, it's kinda lame.

why is it lame?

apparently it's not overtly obvious what the song is about.
Originally posted by candyfloss:
I wish he wouldn't say that, it's kinda lame.

To each his own, I guess.


"You must not look down on someone just 'cos they are 14 years old. When I was that age I listened to the music of John Lennon and it changed my way of seeing things, so I'm just glad that 14 year olds are coming to see U2 rather than group X." - Bono, 1988

[This message has been edited by elevatedmole (edited 03-04-2002).]
"...Jesus this is Judas..."

Bono says at the beginning of Until the End of the World.

Anyone know what this means?

The song is written in the eyes of Judas, and speaking about/to Jesus. Someone can make a much more elaborate explaination, I know, but that is the gist of it.

Edit: Here, look at this: http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d4jonas/U2MoL/AB/endofworld.shtml


"You must not look down on someone just 'cos they are 14 years old. When I was that age I listened to the music of John Lennon and it changed my way of seeing things, so I'm just glad that 14 year olds are coming to see U2 rather than group X." - Bono, 1988

[This message has been edited by elevatedmole (edited 03-04-2002).]
Sorry about the ambigupus title.

I have not read that book yet, but I guess I will to find out what he is talking about. Yeah, I picked it up from a boot.
In some of the ZOO TV days, Bono would just yell "Judas!". Sometimes he yelled "Jesus!". Now we're bring it all together with "Jesus, this is Judas!"... I like it.


" You love this town - even if that doesn't ring true. You've been all over, and it's been all over you " - Bono

" Don't you know there ain't no Devil, that's just God when he's drunk " - Tom Waits
Originally posted by Jayhawk:

Hey, give them some slack. Not everyone has been a fan for years or reads every single book out there. As far Bono saying anything about Judas right at the beginning of UTEOTW, it goes back to the ZooTV/Zooropa days. Nothing really new there.

I was just joking. I wasn't slamming them for not knowing or anything like that. I've personally only been a fan for a little under a year, and you pointed it out yourself that it wasn't anything new. *shrug* Whatever.


"You must not look down on someone just 'cos they are 14 years old. When I was that age I listened to the music of John Lennon and it changed my way of seeing things, so I'm just glad that 14 year olds are coming to see U2 rather than group X." - Bono, 1988

[This message has been edited by elevatedmole (edited 03-05-2002).]
Originally posted by elevatedmole:
Ditto Sula.. I thought at first it would be a "What does UTEOTW stand for?" topic or something. Shocking

Hey, give them some slack. Not everyone has been a fan for years or reads every single book out there. As far Bono saying anything about Judas right at the beginning of UTEOTW, it goes back to the ZooTV/Zooropa days. Nothing really new there.
Well, I have been a fan for over 16 years and I still do not know what he is talking about.

If someone can give me a basic run down, I would stil lbe appreciative.

I am not well read in the bible and do not know the story between Judas and Jesus, but am curious.
hey ouizy...here is a basic rundown off the top of my head.

Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus in the Bible. He was the one who kept the money for the group and eventually was the one who betrayed Jesus to the authorities who wanted to kill him. As the story goes, Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem in the upper room of a house (last time we met it was a low lit room). Meals in this time period were eaten while half-reclining (we were as close together as a bride and a groom). During the supper (we ate the food, drank the wine, everybody having a good time), Jesus told them that one of them was going to betray him and that the person should go and do what they were planning (except you, you were talking about the end of the world).

Judas had arranged to betray Jesus to the religious authorities for the sum of 30 pieces of silver (I took the money). After Jesus makes it clear that he knows what is going to happen, Judas gets up and leaves. Later, Jesus and his disciples adjourn to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus spends time praying and wrestling with the fact that in a few hours he will be condemned to death. Judas in the meantime is with a contingent of guards heading down to find Jesus in the garden. The pre-arranged "signal" between Judas and the guards as to which person they are to arrest is that it will be the man who Judas kisses. They enter the garden, Judas goes to Jesus and kisses him, thereby betraying him. (in the garden, I was playing the tart...I kissed your lips and broke your heart).

Jesus goes on trial and is condemned to death. Judas is paid his silver but is paralyzed with guilt by the realization of what he has done (In my dreams I was drowing in sorrow, and my sorrows they learned to swim...waves of regret and waves of joy, I reached out for the one I tried to destroy.). He throws the silver and "hangs" himself. The translation is a bit vague in the Bible...he may have impaled himself on something or hung himself, but whatever he did, he committed suicide.

whew. That was long.
But hopefully that helps shed some light on it. The reason that the song is so interesting is that Bono takes the story and adds a bit more ambiguity to it. In the book ATEOTW Bono talks about he has always been fascinated by the character of Judas. Because without Judas, Jesus would not have been betrayed (at least at that time) and killed and without Jesus' death we wouldn't have salvation for the world. So in a way, Judas is a tragic figure, but one that is necessary to Christianity. The other question is...was Judas 'predestined' to carry this out...was it his fate? Was he forgiven in the end? I think Bono indicates his opinion in the lines you said you'd wait till the end of the world.

Other bits and pieces on the song...it was inspired by Bono reading poetry by an Irish poet whom I forget the name of. Brendan Keneally or something like that. He had written some stuff about Judas that fascinated Bono. Also, you will note that Bono gives the story a bit of a homoerotic twist.

So there you go. Hope that helped shed some light on it.
You still should make an effort to read ATEOTW tho, cuz in addition to being the best U2 book around, it describes this in better detail than I just did, I think.

Judas betrayed Jesus, he sold him for 30 pieces of silver .
Mark 14:43-45
Then, while he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived, accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs who had come from the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders.

His betrayer had arranged a signal with them, saying, "The man I shall kiss is the one; arrest him and lead him away securely."

He came and immediately went over to him and said, "Rabbi." And he kissed him.

"I took the money
I spiked your drink
You miss too much these days if you stop to think "
"I kissed your lips and broke your heart
You...you were acting like it was
The end of the world".

"Last time we met was a low-lit room
We were as close together as a bride and groom
We ate the food, we drank the wine"
refers to the Last Supper.

"In my dream I was drowning my sorrows
But my sorrows, they learned to swim
Surrounding me, going down on me
Spilling over the brim
Waves of regret and waves of joy
I reached out for the one I tried to destroy"

Matthew 27:3-5
Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, deeply regretted what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver 3 to the chief priests and elders,
saying, "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood." They said, "What is that to us? Look to it yourself."
Flinging the money into the temple, he departed and went off and hanged himself.

[This message has been edited by NicaMom (edited 03-06-2002).]
Wow ladies!

Thank you so much for those explanations. I cannot believe that song is so literal. I think that is what is so amazing about their music.

Here I think Bono is just talking about a lover, but he is actually reciting a biblical story.

genius, pure genius.

Thanks again.
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