U2 unplugged??

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The Fly
Jun 18, 2001
San Francisco
Just curious, have U2 ever considered doing an MTV unplugged??

I would love them to do unplugged, just the band...three chords and the truth. I always enjoy the acoustic sets at concerts, but a lof of their songs are so BIG, and they cannot be contained in such a small environment. hmmm.

"The world is often a wicked place, when you look around, but it's also full of beauty...and beauty is the consolation prize really...and we just have to find more of it and we have to look for it in unexpected places...its not just in those fashion spreads,
that's not real beauty...There is beauty to be found in everyday things."
I'd LOVE to see them do that, but i don't think they ever considered it. (and if they did, they certainly didn't perform for MTV)

I think there's a bootleg called "Zoocoustic" which features U2's (and some other) songs done acoustically.


be uncool, yes be awkward
personally, if they should do an MTW unplugged and it would be released I probably wouldn't even buy the album

the only mtv unpluggeds I really like are R.E.M. and 10,000 Maniacs

they both sound better in a normal live setting

Shake it, shake it, shake it
I have to agree with Salome here. I am not big on the unplugged stuff. I admit that Stuck acoustic is great, but I wouldn't want a whole album of it.
Oh yeah!! That would be a gr-8 idea! I'd love to hear coustic versions of AOH, MW, and Jesus Christ(they sing it so fast I can't catch all the words! I think they could put together a wonderful set!! peace 2 u and rock on.with the best, **U2**
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