U2 classics after 1991?

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
What do you think are the songs, after AB, that could be considered classics and up there with NYD, Pride, I Still haven't found..., WOWY..., One, Desire?

I think in the 90's, I would add UTEOTW on that list. Great song, muscially and lyrically. Stay comes close, but WOWY is the ultimate U2 "love" song.

On the last two albums, BD probably. It sounds fresh for the band, doesn't get old with repeated listenings. I would say Kite (why wasn't this a single?) is close.
A bit early for Bomb to judge...COBL and OOTS come close.
Untill the end is a great song, but I couldn't honestly call it a classic like the other songs you mentioned

I think the only true classics the band has had in the 90's + 00's are One and Beautiful Day + arguably Sometimes you can't make it ..... (time will tell about that last one I think)
though it would personally baffle me there is a chance COBL will grow out to be a song of classic proportions

I would have loved to also put The Fly and Stuck in a moment ..... there, but that would be grasping for straws
Do you mean classic in a u2 sense or classic as in appeal to non u2 fans?
If its the latter i think you would struggle to find one that fits the bill with Beautiful DAy being the exception!
All of the songs you mentioned in the first line of your post would certainly come under the appeal to non fans part in my opinion. I dont think many non u2 fans would enjoy UTEOTW as I think its an out and out u2 song
Beautiful day and discotheque are classics IMO. I think walk on is one too but I dont know if it would appeal to the non u2 fans aswell. Vertigo and elevation are classics too - i think they are still going to get played on the radio in years to come.
Gone, Beautiful Day, Walk On, COBL, OOTS, SYCMIOYO (I know many of you would disagree:( but I think this is a great song)
Beautiful Day for sure, in terms of popularity and stuff.

Stay, Gone, and Walk On are all at that precipice of being classics, to me they are, but aren't as popular amongst the casual fans / general public, atleast in my experience.

I think Until the End of the World is more of a "live" classic.
I think the solo Bono "Name of the Father" and "2 shots..." are better than many u2 album tracks and should have a higher profile.

HMTMKMKM is another killer track.

Vertigo is also a classic simply through it's ubiquitousness and Ipod association.

After AB...I'd say BD is the only true classic, among everyone, not just fans. Whether you like it or not Vertigo may very well become a classic, though maybe in a different way.

For fans, I'd add Stay, Gone, and Walk On. Maybe OOTS, but HTDAAB is too recent to judge.
Top Tier Classics:
Beautiful Day

Second Tier Classics:
Mysterious Ways
Walk On
Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own

Third Tier Classics:
The Fly
Stuck in A Moment
City of Blinding Lights
Electrical Storm

This isn't my opinion, just what I would go for based on what I hear on the radio.

However I must note I have heard Wild Horses a lot recently on the radio for some unimaginable reason.
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One (general public classic)
The Fly (fan classic)
Mysterious Ways (fan classic)
Stay (fan classic)
Beautiful Day (general public classic)

(maybe Vertigo or COBL, too early too call)
U2girl said:
What do you think are the songs, after AB, that could be considered classics and up there with NYD, Pride, I Still haven't found..., WOWY..., One, Desire?

I think in the 90's, I would add UTEOTW on that list. Great song, muscially and lyrically. Stay comes close, but WOWY is the ultimate U2 "love" song.

On the last two albums, BD probably. It sounds fresh for the band, doesn't get old with repeated listenings. I would say Kite (why wasn't this a single?) is close.
A bit early for Bomb to judge...COBL and OOTS come close.

There are two types of classics - classic songs that are adored by die-hard fans and maybe even music critics, and classics that even the average music fan knows.

If we use the latter definition, U2's had quite a few. "Mysterious Ways", "One" and "Until the End..." leap out from AB. "Stay" from "Zooropa". "Staring at the Sun" from "Pop". "Beautiful Day" and "Stuck in a Moment..." from ATYCLB. "Vertigo" from HTDAAB.

Now, if you ask are these "classics" compared to the 80's songs, then we have a problem. Classic also depends on time. "New Year's Day" has had 23 years to sit with us. Even JT songs are 19 years old! The 00's songs are far too new in comparison. I'd say that in terms of time, only the AB songs, and maybe "Stay", qualify.

Also, if you mean "classic" in a "classic-sounding U2" song, then we have another problem as U2 are always changing that sound.

So I'd really go with what I wrote in my second paragraph as examples of "classics" post-1990. Even casual fans know these songs and can sing along with them. When they receive wide recognition and adoration in concert, then they've clearly struck a chord and have lasted beyond their normal song "shelf life".
Heres my tuppence worth. I will break it down as i see it.

U2 "classic" songs for fans since AB
Dirty day
Staring at the sun
Beautiful Day
Walk On

NON u2 Fans

Beautiful Day

This Non fan part is based solely on what i have witnessed in life in either conversation or observed in other people
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Staring At The Sun really isn't a classic, even for U2 fans.
These kind of threads make me sick, just because U2 fans tend segregate (spelling?) everything from AB, just because they think AB is so good. I bet U2 fans could find a way to seperate guitars, bass, drums, keyboards and vocals from AB, just because those five elements are apparently not worthy enough compared to the so called "majesty" that is AB.

I call a classic U2 song a song that everybody know, even non-U2 listeners..... Those songs are most of the time not my favourite ones..... but here's my list according to what my non-U2 fan girlfriend knew before I "forced her to know everything...:wink:


Even better than the real thing
The fly
Mysterious Ways
Miss Sarajevo
Starring at the sun
Beautiful day
Stuck in a moment

......... a lot for somebody who doesn't know U2.....
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