::Sorry:: Regarding the Cash Tribute::Sorry::

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Jan 20, 2003
a city with banks and cathedrals
I know, I know... there are already numerous topics on the performance, I just wanted to bring this up without it being lost in another thread, because it could be exciting.

So I only saw half of the performance last night and downloaded it today. After somewhat noticing it last night, now I am almost positive that Rick Rubin was sitting behind Larry for the duration of the song.

Before I get waaaay too excited over this, is there a balding man with long hair and a long ass beard in the U2 camp that may look suspiciously like Rick Rubin? Because if not, this could mean something very cool for the future.


- Rubin worked with (and reinvented) Johnny Cash on his last 4 (5?) albums. (The possible connector between RR and the U2 camp)

- Rubin just did a very similar "reinvention" for Neil Diamond

- If Rick Rubin were in talks with U2 to produce them in the near future, we would DEFINITELY see something totally fresh come out of the boys.

Again, very sorry for the post, but considering its nature, I'd like some perspective/ speculation. Dream away!

And if need be, please delete this thread.
Could it be it was Larry's drum tech?

Rubin also said he'd like to produce U2 one day.

I have only the vaguest of idea's about who Rick Rubin is, but any hint at a new direction for U2 is lovely. Not that I don't like currant U2. :wink:
I think it was him, I don't think the drum tech would sit and sway side to side enjoying the music.:eyebrow:

Rick Rubin = Ex Def Jam aka Beastie boys ect. ect....
Rubin lives in LA, where they recorded that performance?

His work with Cash was considered "back to basics", and producing Neil Diamond, he played Neil his old records for inspiration.

On a production note, he cites ATYCLB as one of his favorite records of the past 20 years. I don't think "progress" minded U2 fans would enjoy a Rubin produced U2 record.

But myself? :hyper:
Doesn't Joe O'Herlihy, U2s sound engineer, have a lond beard and long hair and look similar to Rick Rubin? My first guess would be that it was Joe. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

knox said:
U2.com confirms it was Rubin.

This is cool. I'm so hopped up on U2 and Johnny Cash this week!

I bought the Cash-Legend Boxset, heard this wonderful performance of "The Wanderer", Single version of OOTS, and will be buying the Vertigo DVD tonite.

Really good music is so fucking good!
yeah, i thought it might be Joe O Herlihy as well...

but why would he be onstage...

Rubin is known for standing onstage when he oversees a live recording (i.e. rage against the machine's performance at the democratic national convention on dvd... he is in the same spot beside Brad Wilk's drumkit...)

and U2.com confirms it

it was rubin

lets see, that means that his producing credits for the last year alone are as follows:

system of a down

and... didn't he help out with NIN's With Teeth as well...

this guy is all over the place. AWESOME...

plus the new Chili Peppers album is due out by years end.

busy guy.
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Woah, I had no idea they mentioned it on U2.com. Promise.

But yea, his write up in a recent Rolling Stone (with the Rolling Stones on the cover, I think?) made me like him even more, and he is one of the guys on my wish list or working with if I ever become a musician in a position to work with him.

He's also an analog-recording purist, which could probably give U2 that warmth that Eno/Lanois got from the boys with UF/JT.

Man, the possibilities...
Can someone please confirm the U2.com "confirmation".

I figured it was just a joke making fun of U2.com.

Edit: So I deceded to do something I never do and go to U2.com and check for myself. Great idea huh? So yeah, it was Rick Rubin.

I would like to add that an album produced by him would excite me very much.
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