So what time does this thing start?

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alright it's 7:53 Central time here right now. I'm assuming that the webcast will start at 8 here but for some reason it's not connecting yet
baker, if you try connecting to the video you'll hear a streaming message say 9:00 Eastern

but its past that time and still nothing. u2 wont be on until 9:45 eastern anyway..
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This is from the Tiscali site:The U2 Elevation Webcast will take place on October 10th 8:45PM (Eastern US time), October 11th 3:45AM (Central European time) at the official U2 hub,
The show will then be rebroadcast on October 11th 2:00PM (Eastern US time), 9:00PM (Central European time) and available to view for a limited time afterwards.

8.45pm - South Bend, Indiana
9.45pm - New York (EST)
6.45pm - Los Angeles (PST)

....Last time I checked, New York was in Eastern time, which above they said it would start at 8:45. It's that part of Indiana and their time change fiasco.
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