Ottawa to air Vertigo Tuesday or Wednesday?!?!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Hi Everyone,

I just wrote to my dj at the local radio station here in Ottawa asking when they were going to be airing Vertigo as well as asking him his opinion on the new single (assuming he's had a chance to hear it.)

This is what he replied:

Hey Julie! From what I gather, we might be airing it either tomorrow,
the day after. Nothing's been set in stone yet. I've heard bits and
pieces, I LOVE what I hear so far!

Cub Carson
The Great Big Rock & Roll Show
Weeknights 6pm -11pm
Ottawa's Best Rock Mix 106.9 The BEAR
Cub used to be the DJ here in Edmonton, i just wrote our Bear staion here to find out if there's anychance of the Edmonton station playing Vertigo early also, or if there's a chance of Ottawa playing it I'll keep ya posted:edge: :edge:
The bear here in Edmonton just got back to me...there's no way they or any of their stations will be playing Vertigo early. They are not even getting the single till 9:00am MST.
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