Norwegian interview with Bono.

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The Fly
Sep 30, 2002
Norway, S?r-Tr?ndelag

BONO SITTER ALENE på trappa. Det er ettermiddag og Dublin er høstkald. Sola henger lavt over havneområdet Hanover Qay. Bono varmer hendene på en kopp kaffe.

Inne venter de tre andre - Edge, Larry og Adam - på at øvingen skal starte. Bandets ellevte album, «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb», er ferdig. Nå skal reportoaret til turneen neste år planlegges og øves inn. Det er mye som skal ordnes, det er mange meninger.

Men først har altså Bono noe han vil fortelle. Om albumet. Han vil fortelle oss om drivkraften. Om å skulle levere varene etter 25 år som frontfigur i verdens største rockeband. Om å stå der, i studioet, og tenke: «Hva i alle verden gjør vi nå?»

BONO SETTER seg godt til rette i døråpningen. Han retter litt på skinnjakka. Så kikker han opp gjennom solbrillene sine. De er grønne i dag.

- Det er lett å få ting til å høres veldig bra ut, begynner han.

Han prøver seg på den varme kaffen.

- Det er lett å lage veldig god musikk, å lage fine sanger. Det kan vi, fortsetter han.

- Men veldig bra er fienden til perfekt . Forstår du meg?

- Jeg tror det ...

Bono ser ikke helt overbevist ut. Han ser litt alvorlig ut.

- Ok, hør. Du forlater ikke hjemmet ditt i et år for noe som er veldig bra . Du drar ikke fra kone og barn for noe som er ganske godt . Skjønner du? Veldig bra er fienden til perfekt .

Han kikker opp igjen.

- Dette albumet ...

Nå smiler han.

- Dette albumet er perfekt.

VERDENS STØRSTE band var tilbake. Singelen «Vertigo» hadde allerede blitt spilt på radioen en stund. Ryktene sa at «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb» var U2 slik verden kjente dem fra begynnelsen av karrieren. «U2 har ikke hørtes mer U2 ut siden «The Joshua Tree», hadde vi lest i musikkmagasinet Q - den eneste publikasjonen i hele verden som hittil hadde fått intervjue bandet i forbindelse med det nye albumet.

- Og de ser ut til å bli de eneste også, var beskjeden vi hadde fått fra plateselskapet i Norge.

Det var derfor ikke med store forhåpninger vi hadde satt oss på flyet til Dublin, byen hvor Larry Mullen Jr. (42), David «Edge» Evans (43), Adam Clayton (44) og Paul «Bono» Hewson (44) vokste opp. Byen som de fortsatt er en del av, byen de fortsatt elsker.

Og som fortsatt elsker dem.

Det siste hadde vi merket allerede i taxien på vei fra flyplassen inn til byen.

Det var sjåføren Enda Demseys (65) siste tur for kvelden. Han var på vei til øvelse med koret sitt.

- Så dere skal skrive om U2? Jeg pleide å synge sammen med Bob, Bonos far, fortalte han.

- Vi fremførte musikalen «Oklahoma» sammen en gang, på skolen hvor Bono gikk da han var liten. Bob var en fantastisk mann. Han døde dessverre for noen år siden, sa taxisjåføren, før han slapp oss av i regnet.

VI HADDE VISST det med Bonos far, Bob Hewson. Det hadde vi lest om på forhånd. Vi hadde lest om hvor hardt det hadde vært for Bono å miste ham den augustdagen for tre år siden. Og om hvordan det hadde preget innspillingen av det nye albumet.

- En bombe gikk av da han døde og jeg ante ikke hvordan jeg skulle takle det, hadde vi lest Bono si i intervjuet med Q.

Vi visste også at to av sangene på albumet handlet om temaer knyttet til farens død.

It's you when I look in the mirror, it's you when I pick up the phone , hadde vi lest at han sang.

Vi hadde hørt om Bonos flyturer hjem fra turneen i England for å våke ved farens seng. Vi hadde lest om knekken hans etter at my old man døde. Og vi hadde fått med oss at han begynte å drikke tett, at han stakk til Bali på impuls og prøvde å rømme fra noen vanskelige runder med seg selv.

Vi hadde også visst at «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb» på mange måter var et resultat av en tøff epoke i Bonos liv. At det kanskje var U2s mest personlige album noensinne. At de hadde jobbet beinhardt og brukt over to år i studio. Og at det var nettopp derfor at Bono nå var så fornøyd.

Men vi hadde, ærlig talt, aldri trodd at vi skulle få høre ham si det selv.

DET VAR ikke det at vi ikke prøvde. Vi dro på nattklubber hvor Bono og resten av bandet visstnok vanker. Prøv Lilly's Bordello, sa noen. Der var de ikke. Andre mente puben The Docks kunne være en mulighet. Den var stengt. Vi tok turen ut til Killiny Hill, ute ved sjøen. I det fasjonable boligstrøket, mellom huset til Van Morrison og den kanadiske ambassaden, fant vi Bonos store hus. Vi hørte barna hans leke bak de høye gjerdene. Ja, det er nesten litt pinlig nå i ettertid, men vi ringte til og med på døra hans. Kanskje var han der inne, sammen med kona si, Ali, som han har vært sammen med siden de var tenåringer. Kanskje var han ikke hjemme i det hele tatt. Han lukket i hvert fall ikke opp.

Vi dro til musikkforretninger. Vi snakket med unge, med gamle. Noen hadde sett Edge kjøre forbi i bilen sin, men det var nok et par uker siden. En annen hadde ikke sett noen av dem, men han var kompis med en som kjente hun som hadde gifta seg med bestevennen til Bono.

Vi snakket med med en aldrende mann som hadde nektet Bono jobb i platesjappa i 1979 fordi han var «sånn en ufordragelig type».

- Men det bryr han seg vel ikke om nå, la han til.

- Bono er multimillionær. Jeg står i en kjeller og selger U2-bootlegs.

Vi tok til og med inn på Clarence Hotel. Dublins fineste og dyreste, eid av Bono og Edge. Men de var ikke å se.

Til slutt hadde vi bare én sjanse igjen - bandets studio i Hanover Quay.

DET ER HELT STILLE på de støvete grusveiene mellom betongbygningene. Noen bygningsarbeidere drikker kaffe og røyker. En måke flyr forbi og maser. Den får ingenting.

Brian Kiernan (24) sitter i bilen sin og spiser lunsj. Arbeidsplassen hans de siste månedene har vært på tomta ved siden av U2s studio.

- Det har ikke vært aktivitet her på et par uker nå, sier han.

Men fansen har likevel fortsatt å komme. Noen med en drøm om å få se heltene sine. Noen med et ønske om å få et blikk fra Bono gjennom bilruta, kanskje til og med en autograf. De fleste får ingenting. De fleste ender opp med å skrive en hilsen på veggen. Vi leser «U2 love 4ever, from Greece, Ionanna» og «I told you I'd be back. Vinnie.»

- Noen sitter her i flere dager og bare venter. Det hender visst at Bono eller Edge kommer ut og hilser på fans. Jeg har hørt at det har skjedd, forteller Brian.

- Har du sett dem selv?

- Nei, aldri.

- Hvor stor sjanse tror det er for å møte U2 her i dag?

- I dag? Nei, den er nok liten. Jeg vet ikke om de er i byen en gang. De kan jo være hvor som helst i verden. Dessuten har jeg hørt at de skal rive hele studioet snart. De har visst planer om å flytte litt lenger nedover elva.

I EN LITEN RØD og hvit vogn står Susan Holmes (28) og lager burgere til bygningsarbeiderne.

- Jeg har ikke sett dem på en uke eller to, sier Susan.

Fra vinduet i vogna har hun utsikt til murbygningen som huser U2s studio.

- Det er ikke så mange som kommer og spør om veien til studioet heller lenger. I sommer var det en del fans her, sier hun.

- Har U2 kjøpt burgere her? vil vi vite.

Susan smiler. Hun kikker på sin bror, James Hamilton (35), som står utenfor. Det er han som eier vogna. Nå ser han litt hemmelighetsfull ut.

- Bonoburger, sier han.

- Vi kaller den bare Bonoburgeren. Den består av ost, bacon og egg. Det er sånn han vil ha den.

BONOBURGEREN står ikke på menyen på skiltet bak Susan inne i vogna. De er ikke sånn, irene. Folk er folk, liksom. Uansett. Nesten uansett, i hvert fall. Selv om U2-medlemmene kan bevege seg ganske uforstyrret rundt omkring i Dublin, er det på en måte litt stas likevel - selv om det ikke er lov å si det høyt.

- Ser du den høye bygningen der?

Susan lener seg ut av vogna og peker på et høyt leilighetsbygg på andre siden av elva.

- Bono har kjøpt den øverste leiligheten, sier hun.

Hun forteller om videoinnspillinger som er gjort i området, om coverbilder som er tatt her.

- Hvorfor? spør vi.

Det er storebror som svarer.

- The docks , vet du. Båtene kommer inn her, opp elva. Det er en spesiell stemning her. Dette er Dublins hjerte, sier han.

- Jeg tror de blir inspirert av å være her.


En svart Mercedes kommer rullende oppover grusveien og stopper utenfor den lange betongveggen som skjuler studioet.

- Det er Joe O'Herlihy, hvisker Michael O'Shea (17).

Han sitter på en benk like ved inngangen til U2s studio sammen med venninna Marie Mullers (18). Han har med seg gitaren sin. Han har vært U2-fan i seks år og «liker måten Edge behandler gitarer på».

- Joe O' Herlihy er lydtekniker, forklarer han.

- Det er han som pleier å være med på turneene.

- Hva gjør han her i dag?

- Vi har hørt at de skal øve her i dag. Jeg kjenner en som kjenner en, skjønner du. Jeg tror sjansene er gode, sier Michael.

Han har vært utenfor studioet flere ganger tidligere. Noen ganger har han sittet der i timesvis. Ventet og ventet.

- Men jeg har aldri sett Bono, sier han.

- Jeg har forsåvidt aldri sett noen av de andre heller.

Han ringer en kompis og forteller at han har sett lydteknikeren komme.

- Nå bør du se å pelle deg ned hit, sier Michael og avslutter samtalen.

Han tar gitaren ut av kassa. Han spiller litt. Vi registrer at han har litt å gå på.

- Spiller du i band? spør vi.

- Jeg spiller i et band som heter U2, sier han.

- Mitt navn er Edge, legger han til.

Marie ser drømmende ut.

- Alt jeg trenger er et blikk fra Bono.

DET GÅR noen minutter. Det kommer flere biler. Snart er hele gata full. Folk går inn i dørene i murbygningen. Vi kjenner ikke igjen noen av dem.

Men så, etter en liten stund, kommer det en sølvgrå, lekker gammel Mercedes glidende oppover gata. Gjennom vinduet ser vi ham, vinkende, smilende. Han kjører alene.

- Det er Edge, sier Michael.

- Det er faen meg Edge, sier han.

En stor port går opp, og bilen forsvinner inn i en garasje.

Det går ti minutter til uten at det skjer noe. Så kommer det en bil til. Vi ser garasjeporten åpne seg igjen idet Adam Clayton glir forbi og forsvinner inn i det samme hullet.

Det er nesten så man skulle tro at det hele var regissert, at det var en planlagt scene. For bare et par minutter seinere kommer han som for 28 år siden hang opp en lapp på skolen og søkte etter medlemmer til bandet sitt. Larry Mullen Jr. kjører fort forbi i en liten svart sportsbil.

- HELT, helt sinnsykt, sier Michael.

Han har vært stille en stund. Nå sitter han der på benken sammen med Marie og venter på at det skal skje, det han har drømt om, men ikke helt turt å tro på.

Det går ti minutter til, det går et kvarter. Så kommer han.

Bono suser oppover grusveien i en svart BMW. Han har solbriller på. Håret ligger bakover. Han passerer Susan og James' rullende kjøkken, han passerer Michael og Marie. Han stopper ikke før han står utenfor garasjeporten som er i ferd med å gli opp for fjerde gang.

Vi går bort til bilen. Bono ruller ned vinduet. Vi sier hei. Han ser litt overrasket ut.

- Norway? Oh. That's cool, sier han.

- Gi meg fem minutter, så skal jeg komme ut til dere.

SÅ SITTER vi der, på trappa, alene ved siden av verdens kanskje største rockestjerne, en ettermiddag i november - bare få uker før albumet skal verdenslanseres. Marie har fått autografen på iPoden sin, Michael har plutselig fått en mye mer verdifull gitar.

Bono drikker kaffe og prøver å forklare oss hvorfor det ennå er litt tidlig å si om «How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb» er U2s beste album noensinne, om det er bedre enn «Joshua Tree», bedre enn «Achtung Baby».

- Du vet, det tar tid å vurdere sånne ting, sier han.

- Det vil nok gå et par år før dere i pressen kan slå det fast. For det er jo dere som bestemmer sånne ting ...

- Hva tror du selv, da?

- Det er i hvert fall vår beste samling låter noensinne. Men, som sagt, det vil ta en stund før vi kan si at det er helt der oppe, om det er et album som vil skrive seg inn i historien.

Han snakker om The Clash, om «London Calling». Han nevner til og med The Beatles.

- Men det er jo uansett ikke jeg som skal vurdere det. Det er dessverre ikke jeg som bestemmer. Selv om jeg skulle ønske at det var det!

BONO smiler og ler. Han er tydelig fornøyd om dagen. To år har det tatt å spille inn albumet som nå er ferdig, og til våren skal U2 på verdensturné igjen. Bono forteller at Oslo er blant byene som skal besøkes.

- Ja, vi kommer til sommeren, lover han.

- Vet du hva? Jeg har faktisk hørt på en del norske band i sommer. Skal vi se ... Jeg kommer ikke på hva de heter, noen av dem var ganske gode ... Uansett: Det var Helena Christensen som sendte dem til meg.

- Helena Christensen?

- Ja, jeg er alltid ganske oppdatert på skandinavisk musikk, for hun sender meg alltid plater med nye interessante band som hun mener jeg bør få med meg.

Helena Christensen er altså den danske modellen. Bono og Helena har kjent hverandre lenge.

- Ja, hun er en god venninne. Jeg har kjent henne i over ti år. Hun er venn av familien.

Han prøver hardt å komme på hvilke norske band han har hørt på.

- Du tenker altså ikke på dine åttitallskolleger i a-ha? spør vi.

- Hehe. Nei. Hva skjer egentlig med dem? Jeg så Duran Duran gjorde comeback nylig, så det er kanskje på tide for a-ha også?

- De har vel på en måte allerede gjort det ...

- Har de?

BONO REISER seg og sier at han desverre må gå inn til de andre, at de venter på ham. Han går inn, men snur seg i døra. Han vil vite om vi skal være i Dublin en dag til. Han har noen utesteder han gjerne vil anbefale.

Vi sier ingen ting om kvelden før, om Lilly's Bordello. Vi sier heller ingen ting om turen ut til Killiny Hill og huset hans, der vi ringte på døra.

- Hvor treffer vi dere i kveld? spør vi.

Han smiler.

- I senga.

I don't have time to translate it. Could somebody else do it?
There were also some pictures, but i dont know how to post them.

Last edited:
OK, great interview. I got the part of Bono smiling, but what about the rest of the interview?:lol:

Can anyone translate from Norwegian?

But thanks for posting the interview.:hug:

GRACE FINDS BEAUTY IN EVERYTHING....:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)
Is there no end to Bono's talents. First Italian, then Spanish and now... Norwegian!!:eek:
OK - I did an automatic translation of the web site quoted here. It is a bloody long piece and I don;t have time now to go through it and make it any better but here is the computer translation...

NORWAY? OH, THAT'S COOL: He has been 44 year and skjeggstubbene am additional drab than answered. But Bono has continued by far hair, he has continued calling in ears and he am continued boss in world's greatest rockeband. FRIDAY met him beyond U2s studios in Dublin in previous week.
photo Espen Røst

BOYS: U2 am handing out her first album, «Boy», in 1980. At this pressebildet am Bono and Adam Clayton 20 år., Edge am 19 and Larry Mullen Jr. am 18.

FINISH BEAUTIFUL DAY: IN døråpninga beyond U2s studios in Dublin getting Marie Mullers and Michael O'Shea dates back to minutes in the sky.


Friday 12. november 2004 712:, up-to-date 756:

Read commodity afterwards
Utskriftsvennlig version
The tips a few about this commodity


BONO SIT Alone at staircase. It is the afternoon and Dublin am høstkald. The sun drape low above havneområdet Hanover Qay. Bono am heating hands at a cup coffee.

In awaiting they three other Edge, Larry and Adam at that øvingen do be about begin. The band eleventh album, «How Dates back to Dismantle An Atomism Bomb», is finished. Now do be about reportoaret at set the wheels in motion next year chart and øves in. That is a lot as do be about attend to, it is the a good many convictions.

But first has consequently Bono any he shall have a mind to. About album. He shall have a mind to us about dynamic. About to do be about contribute articles after 25 year as frontfigur in world's greatest rockeband. About to stand there, in studio, and believe: «Hva in all the world do we now?»

BONO Put her be comfortable at address in døråpningen. He aims a bit at skinnjakka. Saw browser he up by solbrillene her. They are green today.

- Det am easily to a few gear at to sense of hearing terrific edged, begins he.

He attempting her on the ardour coffee.

- Det am easily to brew awfully good music, to brew fine singing. Facts able we, continue he.

- Men terrific am enemy at perfect. You see my?

- Jeg believing det ...

Bono am not seeing absolutely convinced edged. He discern a bit earnest edged.

- Ok, hør. You am not leaving home your in a year for looked like am terrific. You am not leaving at a wife and family for looked like am quite good. Am comprehending you? Terrific am enemy at perfect.

He browser up afresh.

- Dette album...

Now smile he.

- Dette album am perfect.

world's Greatest bandage stayed back. Singelen «Vertigo» owned already been played at radio some time. Rumours said that «How Dates back to Dismantle An Atomism Bomb» stayed U2 so the world knew them since the beginning of career. «U2 hasn't heard additional U2 edged afterwards «The Joshua The tree, owned we last in musikkmagasinet Q it exclusive publication in entire the world as hitherto owned gotten the interviews the band connection with facts new album.

- Og they seem to be they exclusive also, stayed humble we'd gotten at plateselskapet in Norway.

It was accordingly no matter along with big forhåpninger we'd put us at the aeroplane at Dublin, city how Larry Mullen Jr. (42), David «Edge» Evans (43), Adam Clayton (44) and Paul «Bono» Hewson (44) grew up. City as they continued am a bit at, city they continued adores.

And as continued adores them.

Facts lastly owned we brand already in the taxi at autobahn at aerodrome in at city.

It was driver Continueous Demseys (65) lastly tour for eve. He stayed at autobahn at øvelse along with chorus her.

- Så you do be about write about U2? I cultivated to sing along with Bob, Bonos father, telling he.

- Vi argue musikalen «Oklahoma» comparison at one time, at school how Bono stepped as he stayed a little. Bob stayed a fantastic man. He dead alas for a few year afterwards, said taxisjåføren, a prior he listless us of today calculated.

we'd Certainly facts along with Bonos father, Bob Hewson. Facts owned we last about beforehand. We'd last about how badly facts owned been for Bono to drop him it augustdagen for three year afterwards. And about how facts owned coined recording at facts new album.

- En a bomb was outgoing as he dead and I ante no matter how I do be about tackle facts, owned we last Bono say in interview along with Q.

We certainly also that dates back to at singing at album was acting about subjects attached to danger dead.

It's you when IN look set on in spite of the fact that mirror, it's you when IN pickup hide in spite of the fact that phone , owned we last that he sang.

We'd heard about Bonos flyturer home at set the wheels in motion in England to watch against danger bed. We'd last about knekken his after that my old they dead. And we'd gotten along with us that he began to drink close to, that he stuck at Bali at impuls and attempted to abscond at a few awkward beat along with herself.

We'd also certainly that «How Dates back to Dismantle An Atomism Bomb» at a good many methods stayed a accomplishment by an hard-nosed epoke in Bonos life. That facts may stayed U2s mainly personal album noensinne. That they had work adamant and cast-off above dates back to year in studios. And that it was exactly accordingly that Bono now stayed saw satisfied.

But we'd, honest spoken, never supposed that we do be about a few hear him say facts herself.

it was no matter facts that we no matter attempted. We was leaving at nattklubber how Bono and others at the band certainly vanker. Prøv Mauve Brothel, said a few. There were they no matter. Other deemed adolescence In spite of the fact that Docks be able be one of alternative. It was closed. We grasped the boom out at Are killing Hill, out against lake. IN facts fasjonable boligstrøket, between cottage at Van Morrison and it kanadiske embassy, found we Bonos big cottage. We heard babies his pretend at the back they high fence. Certainly, it is the all but a bit awkward now in future, but we called through at door his. May was he in there, along with the wife say, Ali, as he has been along with afterwards they were teen-ager. May was he no matter at home all in all. He buttoned up anyway not in form.

We was leaving at musikkforretninger. We talked along with young, along with ancient. A few owned sett Edge overtake in auto her, but it was enough a couple of weeks afterwards. Another hadn't sett any of them, but he stayed compact along with a as knew she as owned gifta her along with bestevennen at Bono.

We talked along with along with a aged man as owned declined Bono job in platesjappa in 1979 as a matter of he stayed «sånn a matchless writing.

- Men facts bryr he her well no matter about now, allow he at.

- Bono am multimillionær. I stand in an basement and salesperson U2-bootlegs.

We grasped through in at Clarence Hotel. Dublins finer points and dearest, owned at Bono and Edge. But they were no matter to see.

At last owned we only én chance afresh the band studios in Hanover Quay.

it is the ABSOLUTELY Calm at they dusty grusveiene between betongbygningene. A few bygningsarbeidere drink coffee and smoke. A sweep am flying beyond and am nagging. It getting nothing.

Brian Kiernan (24) sit in auto her and am dining lunch. The place of work his they lastly month's has been at the site beside U2s studios.

- Det hasn't been activity here at a couple of weeks now, say he.

But fansen has nevertheless continued to advent. A few along with a dream about to a few see hero her. A few along with a intend to a few a glance at Bono by automobile radio, may through a autograph. Most getting nothing. Most ducks cheer up to draw up a bow at the wall. We reading «U2 love 4ever, derive from Greece, Ionanna» and «I told you I'd be the espousal. Vinnie.»

- Noen sit here in more days and only awaiting. Facts hands certainly that Bono or Edge comes edged and greeting at fans. I've heard that it has happened, narrator Brian.

- Har you sett themselves?

- Nei, never.

- Hvor bumper chance believing it is the to appear U2 here today?

- I day? Absolutely no, that is enough a little. I have no idea about they are in city at one time. They able certainly be feel anyplace in the world. Again have I heard that they do be about tear entire studio almost. They have certainly format's about to displace a bit further downward elva.

in an A LITTLE Red and white carriage stand Susan Holmes (28) and makes a burgere at bygningsarbeiderne.

- Jeg hasn't sett them at a week or dates back to, say Susan.

At the window in the cart has she a view of murbygningen as accommodate U2s studios.

- Det aren't saw a good many as comings and goings ask questions about autobahn at studio rather further. Last summer stayed facts a bit fans here, say she.

- Har U2 bought burgere here? shall we know.

Susan smile. She browser at her brother, But Hamilton (35), as stand beyond. It is the he as owner the cart. Now discern he a bit mysterious edged.

- Bonoburger, say he.

- Vi calls it only Bonoburgeren. It consist cheese, the bacon and egg. It is the such he shall have it.

BONOBURGEREN am not standing at menu at divorced at the back Susan in in the cart. They are no matter such, irene. People am people, as it were. no matter All but no matter, anyway. Although U2-members able move her absolutely cooll all around in Dublin, is it in a way a bit stas nevertheless although facts no matter am law to say facts aloud.

- Ser you it high building there?

Susan is leaning from among the cart and pointing at a aloud leilighetsbygg at other side at elva.

- Bono has bought it on top the occasion, say she.

She narrator about videoinnspillinger as am done in area, about coverbilder as am grabbed here.

- Hvorfor? ask questions we.

It is the storebror as answering.

- In spite of the fact that docks , know you. The boats comes in here, up elva. It is a particular ambience here. This am Dublins heart, say he.

- Jeg believing they becomes inspired at to be here.

WOW! SEE There!

A pitch-dark Mercedes comes rolling oppover grusveien and stop beyond it high betongveggen as conceals studio.

- Det am Joe O'Herlihy, whisper Michael O'Shea (17).

He sit on a bench close at hand entry point at U2s studios along with girlfriend Marie Mullers (18). He has along with her gitaren her. He has been U2-fan in six year and «liker course Edge discuss gitarer på».

- Joe O' Delicious am lydtekniker, define he.

- Det am he as cultivate to be along with at turneene.

- Hva do he here today?

- Vi has heard that they do be about practise here today. I connoisseur a as connoisseur a, am comprehending you. I believing chances am lean, say Michael.

He has been beyond studio more multiplication a prior. Now and then has he sat there in timesvis. Expected and expected.

- Men I've never sett Bono, say he.

- Jeg has forsåvidt never sett any of they other rather.

He calling a compact and narrator that he has sett lydteknikeren advent.

- Nå ought you see to pelle you down does not hit, say Michael and completes conversation.

He grasping gitaren from among kassa. He acts a bit. We register that he has a bit to attend.

- Spiller you in bandage? ask questions we.

- Jeg acts in a bandage as am heating U2, say he.

- Mitt appellation am Edge, lays he at.

Marie discern dream edged.

- Alt I need am a glance at Bono.

facts Goes a few minutes. Facts comes more cars. Almost am entire gata full of. People enters doors in murbygningen. We connoisseur no matter afresh any of them.

But looked for, awhile, comes facts a silver, lovely aged Mercedes sliding oppover gata. By the window discern we him, angle, smiling. He drive alone.

- Det am Edge, say Michael.

- Det am faen my Edge, say he.

A bumper port goes up, and auto absconds in in an underwriter.

Facts goes ten minutes at except that facts happen to any. Saw comes facts a auto at. We discern garasjeporten open up her afresh as Adam Clayton am sliding beyond and absconds in just then full of holes.

It is the all but saw one would think that all stayed the director, that it was a designed scene. For only a couple of minutes seinere comes he as for 28 year afterwards hang up a patch at school and searched after members at the band her. Larry Mullen Jr. drive look sharp beyond in an a little pitch-dark sportsbil.

- HELT, absolutely sinnsykt, say Michael.

He has been calm some time. Now sit he there at the bench along with Marie and abiding that facts do be about be made, facts he has was dreaming about, but no matter absolutely number of revolutions to believe.

Facts goes ten minutes at, facts goes a district. Saw comes he.

Bono murmuring oppover grusveien in an pitch-dark BMW. He has solbriller at. Hair lie backwards. He passes Susan and But rolling kitchen, he passes Michael and Marie. He am not stopping a prior he stand beyond garasjeporten as am in completed along with to ride up for fourth gait.

We die at auto. Bono coil down the window. We say hello. He discern a bit aback edged.

- Norway? Oh. That's cool, say he.

- Gi my five minutes, saw do be about I be published for your guidance.

saw Sit we there, at staircase, alone beside world's may greatest rockestjerne, a afternoon in november only a few weeks a prior album do be about verdenslanseres. Marie have got autograph at iPoden her, Michael has abrupt gotten a much more precious gitar.

Bono drink coffee and attempting to define us and so facts yet am a bit early days to say about «How dates back to Dismantle an Atomism Bomb» am U2s best album noensinne, about it is the better than «Joshua The tree, better than «Achtung Baby».

- Du know, it takes time to appraise such gear, say he.

- Det shall enough elapse a couple of year a prior you in media able bar facts fast. For it is the certainly you as assigning such gear...

- Hva believing yourself, as?

- Det am anyway our best accumulation sound noensinne. But, as said, it'll take a while a prior we able say that it is the absolutely there from upstairs, about it is the a album as shall date back to in in affair.

He speak about In spite of the fact that Clash, about «London Calling». He mentioning through In spite of the fact that Were beating.

- Men it is the certainly no matter no matter I as do be about appraise facts. It is the alas no matter I as assigning. Although I do be about desire that that's!

BONO smile and am laughing. He am apparent satisfied about day. Dates back to year has it grabbed to act in album as now is finished, and at spring do be about U2 at verdensturné afresh. Bono narrator that Oslo am amid cities as do be about attend.

- Ja, we shall in the summer of, laws he.

- Vet you what? I've actual heard at a bit Norwegian bandage last summer. Do be about we se ... I am not arriving on what they am heating, any of them stayed absolutely lean... no matter It was Entire Christensen as dispatched them at my.

- Helena Christensen?

- Ja, I'm always absolutely up-to-date at Scandinavian music, for she send my always disk's along with new interesting bandage as she considers I ought a few along with my.

Entire Christensen am consequently it Danish creation. Bono and Entire has famous each other long.

- Ja, she am a good deal girlfriend. I've famous her in above ten year. She am friend of yours family.

He attempting badly to get on to which Norwegian bandage he has heard at.

- Du pondering consequently no matter at does not dine åttitallskolleger in finish-have? ask questions we.

- Hehe. absolutely no What's up actual along with them? I saw Duran Duran doing comeback newly, saw it is the may at the time for finish-have also?

- De has well in a way already done det ...

- Har they?

BONO Depart her and say that he desverre must go in at they other, that they abiding him. He enters, but turns her in door. He shall know about we do be about be in Dublin some day at. He has a few put off he certainly shall commend.

We say neither gear about eve a prior, about Mauve Brothel. We say rather neither gear about the boom out at Are killing Hill and cottage his, there we called at door.

- Hvor am hitting we you this evening? ask questions we.

He smile.

- I bed.
I'm guessing that "eve a prior, about Mauve Brothel" is referring to the prior evening at Lillie's Bordello. These on-line translatin systems are a bit primitive!
Interview English #Part 1

The Hunt For U2

Bono is sitting alone in the stairs. It's afternoon and Dublin is cold. The sun is low above the docks called Hanover Qay. Bono is heating his hands with a cup of coffe.

The three other band members are inside, waiting for the rehersal to start. The band's eleventh studio album, <<How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb>>, is finished. Now, the songs for the tour next year have to be planned and rehearsed. It's a lot to do, there are lots of oppinions.

But first Bono has something he wants to tell. About the album. He want to tell us about the power. About delivering a good album after 25 years as the frontman of the worlds greatest rock band. About standing there, in the studio, and think: <<What's next?>>

Bono sitts down at the dooropening. Adjusting his leather jacket. Then he looks up through his sunglasses. They are green today.

-It's easy to make things sound very good, he says while he is drinking the hot coffe.

-It's easy to make very good music, to create beautiful tunes. That's what were best at.

-But very good is the enemy to perfect. Do you understand me?

-I think i do...

Bono is not convinced.

-Ok, listen. You don't leave your home for a couple of years because something is very good. You don't travel without your wife and children because something is very good. You see? Very good is the enemy to perfect.

He looks up.

-This album...

Now he is smiling.

-This album is perfect.

I'm not finished yet.:wink:
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Interview English #Part 2

The worlds biggest band was back. The single <<Vertigo>> had gotten some airplay already. The rumors claim that <<How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb>> was U2 as the world knew them at start of their career. <<U2 has not sounded more like U2 since The Joshua Tree>> exclaimed the musikmagazine Q - the only publication in the entire world to interview the band about the new album.

-And it seems the are going to be the only one too, said Universal Norway.

Therefore, we didn't have much of a hope when we boarded the plane to Dublin, teh city where Larry Mullen Jr. (42), David <<Edge>> Evans (43), Adam Clayton (44) and Paul <<Bono>> Hewson (44) grew up. The city they still are a part off, the city they still love.

The city that still loves them.

We noticed this already in the cab that drove us into town.

It was the driver Enda Demsey's (65) last drive this evening. He had to practise with his choir.

-So, you're going to write about U2? I used to sing with Bob, Bonos father, he told us.

-We presented the musical <<Oklahoma>> together once, at the school where Bono studied when he was a kid. Bob was a fantastic man. He died a few years ago unfortuantly, he told us while we got out of the cab and into the rain.

More is coming!!
Well done DiscoJokeX - keep it coming. I love reading these kind of reports - they bring the music even more to life.
Interview English #Part 3

We knew about Bono's father, Bob Hewson. We had read about it before. We had read how hard it was for Bono to loose him three years ago. About how it had influenced the album.

-A bomb went off inside me when he died, and i had no idea how to handle it, Bono had said in the interview with Q.

We also knew that two of the songs on the album was about his fathers death.

It's you when I look in the mirror, it's you when I pick up the phone , we had read that he song.

We knew about Bonos journey home, in the middle of the tour. He would stay at his fathers bed. We had read about the pain he had when his father died. And we had heard that he begann to drink often, that he went to Bali on impulse, and tried to run away.

We also knew that <<How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb>> in i lot of ways was a result of a tough time in Bonos life. That it maby were U2's most personal album ever. That they had worked in stido for over two years. And that was the reason Bono was so satisfied.

But we never would believe that we would her him say it in person.

Still alot to translate...:ohmy:
Interview English #Part 4

We tried for a long time. We went to nightclubs where we had heard that Bono and the band often go. Somebody said <<Try Lilly's Bordello>>. They werent there. Somebody thought The Docks(a pub) could be a possibility. It was closed. We took the trip out to Killiny Hill, out by the sea. In the rich area between Van Morrisons house and the Canadian Ambasady, we found Bonos big house. We could hear that the children was playing behind the tall fences. We feel kind of embarrased now, because we actually rang the doorbell. Mabey he was inside, with his wife, Ali. They have been together since they were teenagers. Mabey he wasn't at home at all.

We went to music stores. We talked to young people, and old people. Somebody had seen the Edge drive past in his car, but that was some weeks since. One had not seen any one of them, but he knew a person who knew a person who knew the woman who had married Bono's best friend.

We talked with an old man who had refused to give Bono a job in his record store in 1979, because he was <<A insolent person>>.

-But he probably doesn't care much about it now, he said.

-Bono is a multimilionare, and I'm standing in a cellar and sell U2-bootlegs.

We even visited Clarence Hotel. Dublins finest and most expensive, owned bu Bono and The Edge. But we could not find them-

In the end we had only one chance left - the studio in Hanover Quay.

Still more coming! Stay tuned:wink: .
Just got back from the coffee shop reading the article over and over again, great article.

I'll see if I can translate some more, the best part is about the burger van outside the studio where they called Bono's favourite burger 'Bonoburger'.
Ok, I'll continue. This is a quick translation so bear with me (off the pub soon...)

All is quiet (!) on the dusty roads between the concrete buildings.

Brian Kiernan is sitting in his car and eating lunch. His workplace the last few months is next to u2s studio.

Nothing happeing in for weeks he says. But fans has kept coming to see their heroes. Most of them end up with nothing. We can read "U2 love 4ever, from Greece, Ioanna" and "I

"I told you I'd be back. Vinnie" has been tagged on the walls.

Some stay here days and are just waiting. It happens from time to time that Edge and B comes out for autographs etc.

-Have you seen them?

-No, never.

-What are the odds of seing them today Brian?

-Today? Prob no chance, don't know if they're even in the city, could be anywhere.

In a little red van we find Susan Holmes, 28, she's making burgers for the bricklayers.

-I havn't seen them for a week or two

From the van see can see straight over to the studio.

-It used to be many fans last summer but not so many in November.

-Has u2 bought any burgers?

Susan smiles, looks at her brother whos outside. He looks a bit secretive (sp).

-Bonoburger he says

-We just call it the Bonoburger. It's with cheese, bacon and eggs. Thats the way he likes it.
The bonoburger isn't on the meny. The Irish arn't like that. Even if U2 can go along Dublin without being hassled with, people still feel that its cool to have met any of the band members.

-Do you see that tall building?

-Bonos bought it Susan says.

She talks about video recordings from theis area.


-The Docks. This is where the ships comes in, up though the river. This is Dublins heart. I believe they're inspired by the docks.

A black Merc comes up the road and stops outside the studio.

-Its Joe O'Herliy. The live sound tech, they must be preparing the tour.

-Whats he doing here today?

-They must be pacticing today since he is here says Michael.

Michaels been around the studio several times. Sometimes hes been there fo hours. Waited and waited.

-But I've never seen Bono

-I havn't really seen the other members either.

He calls his mate and says that the sound tech is there today.

-Get over here!

He pulls out his guitar and plays a little. Hes not that good..

-Do you play in a band Michael?

-I play in a band called u2 and Im The Edge!

-All I need is one look from Bono heis friend Marie says.
Several minutes pass. More cars are approaching, the street is almost packed. People are entering the studio and we are not reqognising any of them.

Then a grey old Merc pass us.

-The Edge, Michael says.

-Fuck me, its the Edge

The car drives into a garage. Another ten minutes pass without anything happening, then theres another car approaching. Adam Clayton.

Its like its all been staged because soon Larry goes by aswell, the man famous for that note on Mount Temple school almost 30 years ago

-Insane, says Michael.

Its been quite for a while, now Mich. and Marie are waiting for it to happen, what they dreamt about.

Then he comes. We approach the car and he rolls down the window.

-Norway? Oh. Thats cool he says.

-give me 5 minutes, I'll be down.
So there we are, on the stairs, alone with possibly the biggest rockstar ever, an afternoon in November- just a few weeks before the album is released world wide. Marie gets her autograph on her iPod, Micheals guitar is suddenly a lot more valuable.

B drinks coffee and trying to explain to us why its too early to say if Bomb is u2s best album ever, or if its better than JT and AB.

-That takes time he says, to consider such things.

-It'll be a few years before you the press can determine that. Because its you that decides...

-What do you think Bono?

-Its deffo out best collection of songs ever. But, as I said, it takes a while do decide if its up there with the best, if it'll make history.

He talks about The Clash and London Calling and even The Beatles.

-But still its not up to me to decide, even if I wish it was me!
BONO smiles and laughs, hes very happy these days. It took them two years to record Bomb and u2 will be touring next year.

-We'll come to Oslo next summer he promise.

-Do you know what, I've actually been hearing a lot of Norwegian bands this summer... I don't remember any names, but Helena Christensen sent them to me.

-Helena Christensen?

-Yes, she is very up to date on Scandinavian music cos seh sends me all these up and coming bands. They known each other for years.

-Yes, shes a good friend om me and my family.

-Ypu are not thinking of your 80's colleagues A-Ha?

-Hehe, whats happening to them, I recently saw Duran Durans comeback, maybe its time for A-Ha?

-They sort of already done that....

BONO gets up and says he have to go to the others, they're waiting. He goes in, looks around. He wants to know if were staying one more night in Dublin. He got a few bars to recommend.

We say nothing of the night before, about Lillys Bordello. Or about Killiny House and his house and that we rang the doorbell.

-Where will we meet you tonight we ask?

He smiles

-In bed.

Thats it, sorry for any sp mistakes, it was done in a hurry.
Now Im off for a beer and another listening to The Bomb!
wonderful article - thank you for taking the time to translate it. :applaud:

I knew Bono smiles in that article.:wink:

I love this:

Where will we meet you tonight?

- In bed. :lol:
Thank you for the translation!
This is a wonderful article. I enjoyed reading about how the fans finally got to meet Bono after looking for the band all over Dublin. It sounds like they met some really neat people during the search!
What's that's not the destination, it's the journey?
Anyway, great, great story!

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