NLOTH: Do You Feel Leaked???? Leak Thread Part XI

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Next thread is mine.
But nice pun anyway. :wink:
Call me crazy.....but I actually look forward to finding out what the new name for the new leak thread is each time I log into the site.

I like this takes a bad pun and puts it into the title (where it belongs and should always stay)

I'm just thinking that spanish girls pipe picture really fits with the motif of the album. If that turns out to be legit, then spanish whore may, in fact, be an insider of some sort.
Y'know what?

This will leak in 15h and 26min.
Just cause I want it too. :wink:

Edit: Yeah, I'm losing it. Before you ask.
10.000+ posts. wow. that blew me away. the biggest "will it leak thread" in the whole world i think;)
If the album is being released on Wednesday in Japan, when do stores in Japan get the CDs in stock? Tuesday, Monday, Saturday? When does Universal distribute advance copies to the press for review? There will be plenty of reviews of the album this weekend. Hmm.
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