Larry Icon: Is it just me???

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Thom's Bitch
Dec 27, 2000
Or does Larry look like one of those stereotypical lesbians? And his hair is too dark too! He is a blondeee!!!!

"Your sun so bright it leaves no shadows, only scars. Carved into stone on the face of earth"
- One Tree Hill

oh my dear lord... jon that was so true. a bit off topic though. couldn't agree more, he looks like some stereotype...
and hey he's not blondeeeeeeeeeeee. met him the other day and it seemed to me some grey hair's on the way...

ohmygod! but i though he'd never get old!
I will not tolerate anyone making fun of Larry.

I will send Brittany Spears blow up dolls to your houses.

And I will stick bananas and lemons in your tailpipes.

ANd have Scott Stapp and Justin Timberlake serenade outside your bedroom window at 3 am.

in the nude
Originally posted by z edge:
I will send Brittany Spears blow up dolls to your houses.

That's pretty generous of you to give out parts of your collection like that!

"Frisbetarians believe that when they die their soul goes up on the roof, and they can't get it down."

Bonochick's Place
Originally posted by z edge:
I have one of you too

*sigh* I see you've been trading with mikal again!

"Frisbetarians believe that when they die their soul goes up on the roof, and they can't get it down."

Bonochick's Place
Originally posted by Hewson:
More like Frankenstein with earrings to me.

I thought the icon was okay, but now it will always look like Frankenstein to me! LMAO

Originally posted by Sicy:
Just you.

I dont think so Sicy, Larry is definately a butch lesbian here. I wouldnt mess with her!!

"Your sun so bright it leaves no shadows, only scars. Carved into stone on the face of earth"
- One Tree Hill
it's hard to make yellow faced people blond and not have them look stupid hehe. The picture the icon is based on made his hair look really dark, so there it was.

lol at the lesbian thing though.
Frankenstein with earrings?

Come on now, it's not that bad. Like skeek said, a yellow face with blond hair looks dorky (why do you think no one has blonde hair on the Simpsons? and they got Larry all wrong there anyway)
still LMAOROTF!!!

The Frankenstein idea scares me. Larry icon will never be the same - thanks bonojovi_man...

As for the offer... I wouldn't mind if Justin whats-his-name serenades outside my pad at 3am... lol
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