I don't have an important announcement

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Originally posted by Hewson:
Why'd you even bother clicking the thread?

Cuz I'm a nerd with nothing better to do.

Trust In God...But Lock Your Doors
Ok enough with the important and unimportant announcements.

Mocking people are not people too.
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
Aw come on now Johnny..

Aren't ya trying to be a 'nice guy' around here to appeal to the ladies??

Are you studying all the advice you got??

I've been studying....let the power struggle begin!

"I'll see you when I get home!"

but remember when I moved in you
and the Holy Dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:
Cause it's my 19th birthday...all my friends are in class and there's not much else to do

Happy Birthday!!!!! I turned 19 and a half on the 9th.

You have friends??????????????? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trust In God...But Lock Your Doors

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