Help me find my Bono flag

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 25, 2000
Smile, you're reading my post
Hey Interland..

I need the help of you clever chappies and chapettes.
While i was on my lil mini Elevation tour this year, I took with me an old,very loved and treasured Bono flag.
I have had it for a long time and it always draped over my wardrobe door.I've mentioned it here many times with talk of playing SuperBono.

Its been to gigs and I took it with me to Earls Court where it served as a blanket to sit on, it propped up many a fans head whilst catching a few winks, kept me warm when it got chilly, and was worn as a cape during the shows.
I also took it to Slane where it kept me dry from the rain and orange peel missiles, standing outside the gates for a few hours.

Sometime between Kite and Walk On, my beautiful Bono flag disappeared.I had it tied around my bag and then it was gone.

I even had frogbat, Bono's pet frog and fritzy practically crawling in the mud looking for it.
I found a girl holding the same flag in a pic on Ottos site.


I was wondering if anyone has seen one like it anywhere on the net or would know a place I might try to get another.
I bought it on a bargian table in a lil music store years ago and can't find one anywhere.
If you do have any ideas about where sad me could find one, could u let me know please?I would be very grateful.

I miss my flag

Thanks in advance,

ZooManda<-- sad Bonoflagless soul
Im sure you will bump into the bonoflag somewhere, i mean thats how u 1st found it? bumping into that bargain table, in the picture bono actually looks like hes about to bump into the mic...
I hope you find your flag, manda!!!

"But you take what you can get,
Cuz it's all that you can find,
But you know there's something more,
Tonight, tonight, tonight..."
Originally posted by brettig:
Im sure you will bump into the bonoflag somewhere, i mean thats how u 1st found it? bumping into that bargain table, in the picture bono actually looks like hes about to bump into the mic...


Have you tried Abercrombie & Fitch?

She's gonna dream up a world she wants to live in / She's gonna dream out loud.
Visit my web page at
this is the saddest thing I've read in a long time (and that is saying something)

Shake it, shake it, shake it
zoomanda, would a picture of me emailed to you, in whcih you can print off on your computer fill the void or no?

are you singing into the mic like Bono?

and if i held up a flag with a deathbear on it at a concert, do you think Adam might get scared?

maybe I'll make a t shirt instead
Oh no manda.... I'm so sorry! Do you think that girl in the pic has your flag??? Now wouldn't that be ironic! Well, let me know how the t-shirt comes along, and if it's not working out, accept deathbear's picture and give me a copy... thanks!
Time to do the rounds girlie, and I mean the big bad city.

Pitt St. Mall, Red Eye, all Sanity, HMV, and every obscure place you can find. Actually theres one in N Sydney, near Miller St. Can't remember the name. Someone should be able to order it.

I will try this lil dingy shop in Penrith. It has weird ole stuff. Does it have to be that flag? Or will any do? The shop Im thinking of used to have a R&H one. It was so beautiful, but they wouldn't sell it to me the bastards!
I think you might be thinking of Hum in Nth Sydney. I doubt they'd have flags. I reckon the place to try would be markets like Paddys and whatever that other big one is. What the hell is it called? I hate that.
Or Utopia? On George St. They have mostly heavy metal stuff, but they do have a fair bit of U2 stuff, wierder things like pins, stickers so maybe flags.

[This message has been edited by TylerDurden (edited 10-10-2001).]
Hum? Do they sell old vinyls and rare shit that looks suspiciously not authorised?

If so, it could be the place. A white building. It may not be there anymore.

And I doubt Parklea will have it.
hi manda,
just replying to first of all move this to the top, but also I will look around for ya. There has to be another one somewhere!
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