Gizoogle! Hilarious!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Aug 31, 2002
West of Her Spine!
Hey, i found, during the week, it's the hiphop version of google!!! I entered in the article abou the Canadian PM from the news page and it came out like this!!


OTTAWA -- Radio station BOB-FM's campaign ta bring U2 ta ghetto saw them recruit a top gat fo` tha cause yesterday.

Dur'n a live phone-in at 8 a.m., Prime Bitch Pizzle Martin told tha station's morn'n crizzew he would mention tha petition ta bring tha band ta ghetto tha next time he raps wit U2's lead singa Bono.

"I'll makes sure tizzy Bizzle knows tizzle many of tha federal employees who worked on our original dizzy relief program (izzle Third World countries) is fans of tha band," Martin said, referr'n ta one of tha Bono's causes. "Ottawa has a high concentrizzles of U2 fans."

Sandi Sharkey, P-to-tha-izzart of tha morn'n crizzay promised thiznat if Martin was successful tha station would change its name ta PAUL-FM fo` a day.

Arthur Fogel, tha band's internizzles tour brotha said tha station should hold off on a nizzle change -- fo` now sho nuff.

"It's unlikely at this point," said Fogel from his office in Los Angeles. "-B-to-tha-izzut crazy ass nigga say neva upside yo head. I wouldn't underestimate Paul Martin's ability ta persuade tha band ta play Ottawa."

Martin n Bono hizzy been friendly since 1998 wizzle Martin, tizzle tha finance rappa met tha U2 frontman n politizzle activist motherfucka clockin' a Canadian program ta wipe out Third World dizzay . Tru niggaz do niggaz.

Sharkey plans ta deliva an online petition ta Martin's office next wizzy like a motha fucka. In tha meantime, tha poll remains open at


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B-to-tha-izzack ta Interferencizzle


Here it is as it was originally!!!

PM to help bring U2 to Ottawa


OTTAWA -- Radio station BOB-FM's campaign to bring U2 to town saw them recruit a top gun for the cause yesterday.

During a live phone-in at 8 a.m., Prime Minister Paul Martin told the station's morning crew he would mention the petition to bring the band to town the next time he talks with U2's lead singer Bono.

"I'll make sure that Bono knows that many of the federal employees who worked on our original debt relief program (for Third World countries) are fans of the band," Martin said, referring to one of the Bono's causes. "Ottawa has a high concentration of U2 fans."

Sandi Sharkey, part of the morning crew, promised that if Martin was successful the station would change its name to PAUL-FM for a day.

Arthur Fogel, the band's international tour manager, said the station should hold off on a name change -- for now.

"It's unlikely at this point," said Fogel from his office in Los Angeles. "But never say never. I wouldn't underestimate Paul Martin's ability to persuade the band to play Ottawa."

Martin and Bono have been friendly since 1998 when Martin, then the finance minister, met the U2 frontman and political activist after presenting a Canadian program to wipe out Third World debt.

Sharkey plans to deliver an online petition to Martin's office next week. In the meantime, the poll remains open at
Oh, this is fantastic...


Three Out of Three
// 'Vertigo' won U2 three Grammy Awards last night, n tha band played a straight trippin' version of 'Sometizzles.
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