Edge's data collecting habit

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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More 5G Than Man
Aug 31, 2004

Really, stop the comparison threads. Even Bono wants you to now. :|
LemonMelon wins.

Maybe we should have a comparison thread dedicated to this cartoon? Adam Clayton's shoes in UABRS vs Edge's beanie in the cartoon? :wink:
My favourite part is when the background suddenly becomes (unintentionally?) wavy and pixellated after Edge blushes.

second favourite: Bono doesn't have a nose.
The Sad Punk said:
My favourite part is when the background suddenly becomes (unintentionally?) wavy and pixellated after Edge blushes.

second favourite: Bono doesn't have a nose.

:angry: He does have a nose. It's just barely visible and poorly drawn.

Glad you all liked it. The moral of the story is that, as long as people are screwing up the forum, I will be around to passively insult them via cartoons. :wink:
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I've been grumpy all day, but the robot part made me bust out laughing

So when does Dallas make his cartoon debut? :wink:
BonoIsMyMuse said:
I've been grumpy all day, but the robot part made me bust out laughing

So when does Dallas make his cartoon debut? :wink:

:up: That's a good question. Unfortunately, it probably won't be until U2 goes back on tour. :slant: I need good material. Some "(the sequel to Vertigo)'s stage setup is HORRIBLE" threads might get me going. :wink:
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