Declining Songs

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Dusty Bottoms

Jul 26, 2005
On the veranda
What songs did you love at first, but after time have come to like less?

My number one would be Elevation, it was probably my favorite song on ATYCLB at first, but now is one of my least favorites.
Studio version of Bad. After hearing the live version, I don't really even bother with it anymore.
"With or Without You" in concert from ZOO TV to present. The passion is gone, even if on rare occasion Bono does bring some romanticism back to the song with the extra verse or rolling on the ground with a woman.

"Pride" in concert - all eras. This is the one song that U2 captured brilliantly in studio and has never, IMO, re-captured it live (and this includes the UF and JT tours).

"Beautiful Day" - at times I'd rather here the rocking "Elevation" than this crowd pleaser. I don't hate it by any means, but I was never this huge fan of the song.

"Staring at the Sun" - seemed out of place on "Pop" and the only versions I really like are the acoustic performances (in studio and in concert).

"Lemon" - at first I hated it, then accepted it, but now I skip over it as I find I like the Perfecto Remix of it far better.
I used to be a big advocate of Red Hill Mining Town, but that song really hasn't found itself again with me like it used to. SYCMIOYO has become incredibly boring to me. Walk On, with the exception of the post-9/11 performances, doesn't do it for me anymore either.
Most of ATYCLB and HTDAAB, ISHFWILF, One in a big way, studio version of SBS.
So at one stage you actually liked One?


For me it's Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses and Ultraviolet. Loved them to death when I first heard them and now not so much.
One , i can barely stand to listen to it and more, mostly for emotional reasons, but when it first came out i listend to it a million times,

im the oposite for wild horses and ultraviolet i cant get enough of them at the moment.
phillyfan26 said:
SYCMIOYO has become incredibly boring to me.

it's not necessarily boring for me but I don't find myself longing to listen to it... really that's what happened to pretty much all of H-Bomb for me (save Vertigo, i love me some v-go, and O-Species, also L-Else sounds amazing, i really wish the whole album sounded that good). but i do not hait dat ablum!!11, i'm just not usually in the mood for it. It has declined for me though. When I first heard it I thought it was like my third or fourth favourite U2 album, now it's like sixth or seventh.

still havent found and pride have become old for me

One used to be my favourite U2 song but it definitely isn't now. I still love it of course, I just don't think it's their best song.
I haven't listened to Bomb in yonks actually either... and COBL is now floundering at the lower points of my top ten now... but that's still good!
COBL_04 said:
So at one stage you actually liked One?

It was never a favourite, but I didn't hate it. Last night, I came across an old post I made on another forum a few years ago and I quoted a line from One in a positive context. It was strange.
The Fly, strangely enough. I was obsessed with it for a period.

Also Out Of Control and Miracle Drug and Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car
Bullet the Blue Sky

for years I used that as my time to run to the ladies room during the live shows & always passed it over when listening at home... but now I love it... guess I've answered your question in reverse....:huh:
LemonMelon said:
Studio version of Bad. After hearing the live version, I don't really even bother with it anymore.

I'm with you. I originally thought the studio version was amazing (and it still is, on its own merits), but I have about 20 live versions that I prefer to the original. It just doesn't compare.
I think I am gonna have to go with New Year's Day. I once had an obsession with that song and now it is one I usually skip over. That and Vertigo is becoming that way for me as well.
There are some songs that haven't declined for me, just my love for other songs has (at least at the moment) far surpassed my love for those songs.

Declining: a lot of the stuff on bomb that I used to love - SYCMIOYO, Crumbs, Miracle Drug.

Oh well, I'm kind of going through a 90s phase anyway.
Well I wouldn't say declinging. Maybe you all need to take a rest from U2 for a bit and then when you go back to it, it will seem new, clean, "Fresh"
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