"Cut that mullet you stupid jurk!"

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New Yorker
Sep 15, 2000
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Wesly Willis is stupid and makes no sence but I can't help but listen and laugh. How many of you guys know who he is? I know you Euro's won't know.
i know who he is. i saw him perform last spring. he knows how to rock and he knows how to roll. he has a really weird cult following and his hardcore fans line up before his shows to get head-butted by him. its the strangest thing ive ever seen. he has a HUGE bruise on his forehead from head-butting so many people. this is his website, on which you can play a hilarious game entitled 'whip the donkey's ass': http://www.streams.com/starchild/wesley/

have fun



It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me. - Larry
Wowww, cool!
I cant believe this guy is STILL around!???

He has this "song" called "the Chicken Cow" which is very weird...very stupid...yet, pretty damned cool.

This poor guy suffers from schitzophreee..eee..Ummm , HOW do you spell it??
The man has a mental illness, bless his heart. BUT hey! He's out there! Doing what he does.

I once saw an interview with him... and YES, he is quite "not there".

More power to him!


My love for you
It's in the things I do and say
If I wanna live I gotta
Die to myself someday.

[This message has been edited by Trash Can (edited 12-09-2001).]
I remember my friend telling me about this guy last year. I thought he was only well-known the southcentral area of the USA, but I guess I was wrong.
I heard a few of his songs and couldn't help but laughing, because they all sounded the same. The same weird, techno beats, only put to different lyrics.

It's cool that you bring him up
Wow- people know about Wesley Willis! I didn't know about him until last year- he performed at my school, but I didn't get to see him. You gotta love his songs- Suck a Cheetah's Dick, Alanis Morissette, Rock Saddam Hussein's Ass. Classics!

The Whip the Donkey's Ass game is great!
they arent techno beats...they are the little demo songs that come on keyboards...how funny is that?


It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me. - Larry
I admit I've never listened to Wesly Willis but I know some guys in a band who are very influenced by him and their stuff is hilarious!!! I should check him out...

Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
Originally posted by mrsmullen:
they arent techno beats...they are the little demo songs that come on keyboards...how funny is that?


Okay, my mistake. I knew they were computer generated sounds...just thought he may have created them himself. That's even funnier than before! LOL)
"The Chiiiiiiiicken Cow!!! The Chiiiiiiiiiiicken Cow!!"
...damn, I wanna hear those tunes again!
I don't know why, but every time I see this topic line, I just laugh and laugh. HELP! I can't stop!
LMFAO-this guy is hilarious, he always seems to be on this local radio morning show, that's how I first heard of him. I never heard the Alanis song, but now I need to. rotf!

"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." -Larry
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