Circulate. Regulate. Interferencers and MySpace.

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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
Interference is great and all. But what about putting a face to a name?

This is the thread for us U2 fans to share our MySpace profiles with each other.

Now I know a lot of people don't like MySpace for it's stupid emo userbase. Now that's completely understandable. However I use MySpace for actually keeping up with people and bands that I know in real life and I'm sure a lot of us are the same way. I manage to keep all the e-angst morons out. But that's about to change. Time to put an Interference name to a face.

So...on that note. Lets share MySpace profiles!

Achtung Ya'll said:
Now I know a lot of people don't like MySpace for it's stupid emo userbase.

That, and I simply hate its entire format. I stick with LiveJournal simply because I like its format and usablity better.
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