Can Someone ID this? (Is this U2?)

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The Fly
Sep 26, 2004
I received an mp3 in e-mail titled Love U2 . I thought it had something to do with the Itunes video of the same name but instead its a song I haven't heard before. It sounds kind of Raw and not that much like U2. Is this one of the much talked about outtakes? Or is it even U2?

I am not going to post it for download right now. Instead I put it on my myspace music player.

Click on the second song under Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
yeah...thats Bono's version of LITSWD for the "Across the Universe" soundtrack...I think Edge is there too
No I am talking about the song Below LITSWD on the playlist.

Its named "Love U2".
But... who sent it to you? Can you identify the source? and what did they say it was?

It's concerning....
edurban said:
But... who sent it to you? Can you identify the source? and what did they say it was?

It's concerning....

I already asked the person who sent it where it was from. It was apprently from an online video. Not a music video but someone's home video type thing that had U2 in the tags but it was not in english so they have no idea what it said about the video.

People are saying its not U2 so I guess its not that much to be concerned about. I kinda thought there were some parts that sounded off from Bono but then others sounded a lot like him. I was thinking maybe a young Bono in an outtake but it seems not.

So for now unless someone else happens to know where this is from I guess Case Closed.
It sounded a bit like Travis, maybe one of the young Brit bands ?
No way is that Bono singing.
Definitely not U2 or Travis
Kind of sounds like James but after doing some extensive googling with what little lyrics there are -- Nothing

Maybe it's someone's demo out there on the net?
^ Not without a "feel" or a "kneel", no way.

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