Bono is writing lyrics and recording vocals...still

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jun 8, 2004
So, is this album ever gonna end?
There is a new set report on the U2Eastlink forum. It describes Bono's bad day while recording an album. Supposedly he was writing lyrics and recording vocals at the same time. In the final stages of the album recording.
Other interesting news:
- "All Because of You" will not be the first single, but it will be included on the album.
- "Love and Peace or Else" is another song from the album
- "Miracle...something" is one more title. They couldn't recognize the second word
- Bono said that the new songs are quite different than the early versions which were recorded years ago.
Well, that adds up to Edge's statement on that this album won't be a full on hard rock LP. I'm beginning to think that this really could be another ATYCLB. Clean, overproduced and overmixed sound, which resembles to "Beautiful Day/Electrical Storm", like the guys on described it.
And that's not good.
djerdap said:
I'm beginning to think that this really could be another ATYCLB. Clean, overproduced and overmixed sound, which resembles to "Beautiful Day/Electrical Storm", like the guys on described it.
And that's not good.

That's not really a bad thing. I am one of the fans that thought Electrical Storm had some potential, it just wasn't completed as well as I would have liked. Having another ATYCLB isn't a bad thing either. We got 7 grammies, huge record sales, an almost sold-out tour and some great songs. Me, personally, I would love to see a another Pop, or a mixture of Pop and Achtung Baby.

But, needless to say, another ATYCLB isn't bad. I just hope it's a better ATYCLB with more anger and rock on it. I want the dark, angst-filled U2 again.

I'm like a little kid as I approach my birthday - wondering what I'm getting!. I check Interference and every hour for any album news updates. It's crazy and I am impatient.
Memo to Bono: Let someone else save the world for a couple of days and finish the lyrics/vocals. Thank you.
You know, can anyone who knows the history of this band ever remember a time when Bono had a "good" day recording vocals and writing lyrics? This is the norm, and formula for a "Great" U2 album....see Boy, War, UF, AB, ATYCLB....let's just skip the October album though, but someone stole his lyrics beforehand back then.
I'm sorry, U2fan101, but who gives a crap about 7 grammies and huge record sales??? I mean, today bands like Linkin Park and Creed get that. I don't care if 20 of us on this board will be the only ones who will buy this album(and I know that's not gonna happen, but just imagine it) - if it is good MUSIC, then I won't be disappointed.
There are fantastic bands today who don't get grammies and who don't publish multiplatinum albums. On the other hand, we have garbage like two bands I mentioned, who get all this recognition.
If I remember correctly, a previous article claimed that The Edge said, "we will finish the album by the end of June, earl July the latest. By my calendar, they are still on track. However, time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping, into the future........
djerdap said:
I'm sorry, U2fan101, but who gives a crap about 7 grammies and huge record sales??? I mean, today bands like Linkin Park and Creed get that. I don't care if 20 of us on this board will be the only ones who will buy this album(and I know that's not gonna happen, but just imagine it) - if it is good MUSIC, then I won't be disappointed.
There are fantastic bands today who don't get grammies and who don't publish multiplatinum albums. On the other hand, we have garbage like two bands I mentioned, who get all this recognition.

I see your point, and while I agree with it, I think that the fact that U2 had 7 grammies and huge record sales means 2 things - U2 is getting the recognition for such things (grammy speaking) it has long waited, and secondly, huge record sales is an indication that ATYCLB wasn't a bad album, which supports my thesis on Electrical Storm being a good song. You are completely right in what you say about Creed and Linkin Park being sucky bands and getting recognition for things they don't deserve. And while I talk about record sales, then you'd probably say that bands like Backstreet Boys or N'Sync are in the same category of 'goodness' and 'recognition'.

Ehh, I don't know. Maybe I'm just in la-la land thinking that anything U2 releases is spectacular, because it is U2 and therefor what I think are incredible feats (album sales and grammies) means nothing about the quality of the album.
I see both of your points. I for one do not want another ATYCLB. I loved the album, but want a new sound and a new direction from them. I believe that that's where they are heading, into new uncharted territory sonically speaking (That is if Bono can write some lyrics on paper). lol
MrBrau1 said:
I we get songs like BD, Kite, Walk On, Stuck, NY, and IALW I will be very happy.

What? You didn't include Elevation. Why not? *sniff sniff*
Each album sounds so different than the previous one which leads me to beLIEve that we might not get BD, Stuck, Kite, Walk On.
I agree Mr Brau. I think the quality of the songs get better and better with each album - especially from AB to 2004
well, really......the opening riff is great.....then it just....falls flat.
lyrics are sub par also imo.
can't stand the "mole digging in a hole/got no self control"...

:hmm: ......

Just for you Jofo: Bono is finishing his lyrics now: a mouse/living in my house/crawling up her blouse now.....
Elevation has one of the worst lyrics of any U2 song.
"A mole digging in a hole, digging on my soul, now going down, excavation". I mean, WTF?!
I hope All Because of You will be better. The title of the song indicantes anger and frustration(just imagine Bono shouting: "It was all because of you!!!!!"). And then a kick-ass Edge solo steps in a la ZooTV Bullet... I wish.
Elevation is about sex. Think about it -

A mole digging in a hole/diggin' up my soul/now going down/excavation

The lyrics aren't great but it makes sense.

HEY! Numb that was hilarious! A mouse! hahahah
I always thought Elevation was like Desire in that it was about trying to pick yourself up off the streets and be in a rock and roll band (explain all these controls / can't sing but I got soul)
:yikes: Bono is only now writing the lyrics and recording?!? I do hope it was just one song.

Different songs than what they did before :confused: So what are we to think about the whole "rock", and "lots of Edge on the album" rumors?
I think it all depends on the song really. Think about it. I'm sure there are songs that the lyrics for it came first before the music. So those songs are most likely done with vocals and such. But other songs the music came first and now the must go back and figure out the vocals and such.
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