Any seeing Episode 2 tonight?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Sep 26, 2000
San Antonio TX
I love U2, but I'm also a Star Wars geek. I've been waiting for tonight for 3 years now and it's finally here. I remember reading rumors that Bono was to be in Episode 2 but it didn't go through. Oh well, U2 fans enjoy "Attack of the Clones" and may the FORCE be with U(2).
nah, I have to go to work tomorrow and be awake. I did my midnight movie premiere for LOTR and boy was that awesome. I'll go see Episode II sometime this weekend tho. Have fun!
I have tickets for Friday morning, 9:10 AM!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seen it....Loved it!One of the best think I

Yoda...brilliant Say Must I

Gravity Pulls Me Down,U2 Lifts Me Up
I lovvvvvvvvvvvvved it. First midnight showing ever for me. I think the dialogue in the first half of the film was too rigid, but it was still really good. Loved the water planet! And the last few sequences... and Yoda... Oh... my... god... I've never, EVER heard applause like that at a movie. Holy crap.
and Yoda... Oh... my... god... I've never, EVER heard applause like that at a movie. Holy crap.

you've got me super-stoked now

I have tickets for tonight...can't wait

I'm not living
I'm just killing time
I went to a midnight showing this morning, and it was definitely worth the sleep deprivation I am feeling right now! The cinematography was gorgeous, the story was good, if a bit slow in spots, and I enjoyed the love story too. And wait till you see who is REALLY the kick-butt Jedi Master! You've got to love those light saber duels...

I want to see it again, like tonight!
im being bad , i had an appointment for work by a movie theater, a small very small movie theater, and took my lunch break to see Attack of the Clones. all i can say is that this is the best Star Wars. this is comming from someone who grew up with the original triology. Count Doku is great, Yoda kicks butt. i always wonderd what it would be like to see yoda fight. i wished the fight between Doku and Yoda would have lated longer so i pray that Yoda will fight in the final installment. All guys out there, let me tell ya, Natalie Portman is hot as hell in this movie. you also get to see the anger in anakin and how his temper will ultimatly lead him down to the dark side.
U2 and Star Wars, life is amazing.

Count Down begins to 2005 (next star war release)and hopefully there will be another u2 tour before then.
I'm going to the 7:00 show tonite with some friends. Should be good fun!


This thread has been Viggofied
Saw it last night/this morning at 12:01 a.m. (the first showing baby!) and I loved it. Better than Episode I by far, and perhaps better than others of the classic trilogy. Though I must say Anakin's sort of a childish puke .. who would've thought Vader would be so immature. Oh well.

Yoda - the show he steals

Hopefully gonna see it Saturday. Can't get enough.


" You love this town - even if that doesn't ring true. You've been all over, and it's been all over you " - Bono

" Don't you know there ain't no Devil, that's just God when he's drunk " - Tom Waits
John went and saw it tonight...he said it was really good. I don't plan on seeing it though...*is not a Star Wars fan*

"Frisbetarians believe that when they die their soul goes up on the roof, and they can't get it down."

Bonochick's Place
I saw it last night.. 12:01 showing.. good, a LOT better than Episode I, but I prefer the "original" three. They will never be topped, I guess. There wasn't nearly as much applause as there was for Episode I. However, people cheered when Yoda finally got to fight
Great movie, the water planet's people were really good, good atmosphere throughout the whole movie, however I thought some of the dialogue felt a little stiff, but it was good. Definitely worth it.
Too bad we didn't see anyone in costume at the theatre

"I dance much better horizontally than vertically." - Bono

[This message has been edited by elevatedmole (edited 05-16-2002).]
Well I must say, Episode II is vastly superior to Episode I. But its still not on the level of IV, V, and VI. I was disapointed by much of the special effects of Episode I, but this was much better. All around everything really improved over Episode I, and many connections are made in Episode II with Episode's IV, V, and VI. Unfortunately, much of that including the greater plot of the movies is lost on most of the general public that will see the movies. I think everyone will enjoy Episode II, but Star Wars fans who understand the whole story of the original trilogy will appreciate it more.
Sting, you pretty much summed up my feelings. It was a good movie. Great FX and definitely better than Episode I. Darker and more detailed?we?re being drawn to the logical conclusions. The acting was so-so, not horrible, but not great either. Then again, Star Wars movies have never been about Oscar-winning performances, have they? Main exception to the rule would be Ewan MacGregor, but even he can?t save some of the horrible dialogue he?s given to work with.

Overall though, it was better than I expected it to be. Star Wars insiders will get the most out of it, as there are lots of subplots connecting to the later films and characters that will be in the later episodes. The best touch has to be the Yoda scenes in the battle. People at my theatre were cheering him.

Oh and lastly, Annakin Skywalker looks creepily like my younger brother!
So that made it really weird to watch. *shudder*
your brother is going to become Darth Vader evil!

My fave line: "Anakin, you're going to be the death of me." AHHHH! He knows too much.

Great movie. Yoda is the bomb, the action is great, the special effects are gorgeous....have to go see it again but next time in digital.

And can I just say that Hayden Christensen is 1) a hottie and 2) a bad ass. The way he played Anakin was amazing. You love him but you see the evil boiling underneath and you know what's coming next.
Yeah, I can't drool over Hayden because it feels like incest. Damn you kid brother!
Actually, it made it rather depressing for me because I don?t want Anakin to go bad, specially when he looks like family. lol.

One of my favorite lines...Obi-Wan (in Ewan?s great quasi-Alec Guinness accent): Blast! This is why I hate flying!

[This message has been edited by sulawesigirl4 (edited 05-17-2002).]
Am I the only one who felt a little underwhelmed by this film? The dialogue was horrid, the acting was bored and stiff, and the story did nothing to convince us that this snotty kid will be a nightmare of a villain someday. Yes the effects were pretty amazing and the little inside touches were nice, but come on people, demand more of your cinema! This film had no heart at all! Oh, and U2 is the greatest! (I met Bono at an aftershow party one year ago this month. What a cool guy! Gotta keep this on topic you know...)
Well, it?s more or less what I would expect from a Star Wars film, tkramer. And on the matter of demanding more from your movies, I generally don?t DO big studio movies?preferring independent and international film more and more. Star Wars and LOTR I make exceptions for.
Originally posted by tkramer:
Am I the only one who felt a little underwhelmed by this film? The dialogue was horrid, the acting was bored and stiff, and the story did nothing to convince us that this snotty kid will be a nightmare of a villain someday. Yes the effects were pretty amazing and the little inside touches were nice, but come on people, demand more of your cinema! This film had no heart at all! Oh, and U2 is the greatest! (I met Bono at an aftershow party one year ago this month. What a cool guy! Gotta keep this on topic you know...)

Haydn's actis was horrid to say the least. However Ewan Macgregor more than made up for him. I openly say that Liam Neeson was the only saving grace for episode 1 and Ewan seems to take up the slck for him in this one. And I think that his dark side is shown they show his genocidal tendancies and such a bit in this film. The writing was MUCH stronger than episode 1. I have to admit Natalie portman did a subpar acting job, but she's great to look at, so I forgive her. This was a much darker film that episode one and I think will salvage the franchise. Lucas is no tolkein, but at least this film didn't make him look like an idiot like episode one did.

Sam jackson and Ewan make this movie, and of course Yoda. If it weren't for them your looking at a B-/C movie
I should probably clarify that I didn't hate the movie, I liked the bounty hunter/Obi fight, the cities and planets, the coliseum battle, and of course my favorite and yours master Yoda. STILL, If this film handled it's human element the way it handled it's effects it would have been something that left us in awe, instead of something that left us going "This part sucked, that part rulz! This part sucked, that part rulz! This part sucked, that part rulz!" I guess after an incredible LOTR and to some extent Spiderman, I was ready to care for a star wars film again. And ultimately I just didn't...

[This message has been edited by tkramer (edited 05-17-2002).]
Originally posted by tkramer:
I should probably clarify that I didn't hate the movie, I liked the bounty hunter/Obi fight, the cities and planets, the coliseum battle, and of course my favorite and yours master Yoda. STILL, If this film handled it's human element the way it handled it's effects it would have been something that left us in awe, instead of something that let us going "This part sucked, that part rulz! This part sucked, that part rulz! This part sucked, that part rulz!" I guess after an incredible LOTR and to some extent Spiderman, I was ready to care for a star wars film again. And ultimately I just didn't...

Honestly...I've always thought that lucas was a tolkein wannabe..gimme LOTR anyday
Originally posted by Arun V:
Honestly...I've always thought that lucas was a tolkein wannabe..gimme LOTR anyday

I always thought that was a given. Tolkien is the master...Lucas has borrowed elements from his writing and characters. Oh and LOTR the movie was everything I had hoped it to be. Proving that big doesn't have to be necessarily bad.
Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
I always thought that was a given. Tolkien is the master...Lucas has borrowed elements from his writing and characters. Oh and LOTR the movie was everything I had hoped it to be. Proving that big doesn't have to be necessarily bad.

You'd be surpised how many label lucas as being the master and Tolkein as just beign very good. But Tolkein gave this sort of fiction relevance and reputability
I liked LOTR but had never read the books and there for did not appreciate the story as much as those who had. I grew up on Star Wars and in general prefer it to the D&D of LOTR. I think a lot of people here fail to appreciate the extent that the original Star Wars in 1977 had on the entire Movie Industry that we have today. It changed the entire business and many films today would not exist if it had not been for the original Star Wars. Lucas special effects company does special effects for a multitude of other movies as well. I think Lucas is a good story teller and Star Wars is not the only story he is behind. The Indiana Jones movies are also his story. Yes Stephen directed, but its George's story. Lucas also helped a carpenter named Harrison Ford become a huge star.
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