Your Favorite Superbowl Commercial

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 18, 2002
Southern California
The Superbowl is about football and commercials. Which is your favorite?

So far, the Anheuser Busch "Thank You" is most touching.
Being in Canada, they show the regular commercials over the Superbowl ones. That said, I'm banning FOX. I saw the "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" pontiac commercial too many times for comfort on that channel! :mad:
yeah they did. I watched most of the game with my grandpa and he was getting so pissed with all the commercials. At one point he said he'd rather watch something else and turn the game off because it was more commercials than game.
The Ameriquest Cat commercial was fricking hilarious!!!! I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life at a commercial.

And the 'Thank You' Busch commercial was quite touching. I got a little teary eyed.
There were two commercials that got claps and a lot of laughter at the parties I was attending.

The Ameriquest cat commerical

that was it.


[q]What happened to Go Daddy's second Super Bowl ad spot?
As you may have noticed our Super Bowl ad only appeared during the scheduled first quarter spot. It was scheduled to run also in the second ad position during the final two minute warning. Our ad never ran a second time. Instead, in its place, we saw an advertisement promoting "The Simpsons."

The NFL persuaded FOX to pull our ad.
We immediately contacted Fox to find out what happened. Here's what we were told: After our first ad was aired, the NFL became upset and they, together with Fox, decided to pull the ad from running a second time. Because we purchased two spots, we were also entitled to a "Brought to you by" 5 second marquis spot. They also chose to pull the marquis spot.

Our ad is finishing high in opinion polls.
So far in early opinion polls, our ad seems to be finishing fairly high. In fact, in checking the one on the Fox site, it is in the number two position. Not bad for an ad that could only be aired once.

Stay tuned for more news as it develops.
I'm sure you'll be hearing more about this over the next few days. I believe that it's the first time ever a decision was made to pull an ad after it had already been run once during the same broadcast.

If you haven't seen our Super Bowl ad, or want to see it again, there's a link provided in the previous Blog entry "Pre-Super Bowl coverage" that will take you to it. [/q]
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overall, the commercials this year sucked...

good ones...

1. the anheiser-busch "thank you" commercial... very touching... funny? no chance... touching? 10 out of 10.

2. the momma's boy doll

3. the ameriquest "cat & sauce" commercial... i laughed my ass off 'cause i knew my mom, a cat lover, would think it was horriable... does that make me a bad person?

4. the "Sandlot" spoof commercial where everything got thrown back over the fence, until MC Hammer got thrown over the fence, at which point MC Hammer got thrown back over the fence... now that's funny.
Both AMeriquest "don't judge" commercials were good, the robbery one, especially when the wife nails the guy with the cattle prod and of course the cat/sauce ad was great.
But for me the funniest were the trio for CareerBuilder with the chimps. The chimp photocopying his butt, the whoopie cushion and the butt kissing were hilarious.

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