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a pink tutu. It's Carrie-from-sex-and-the-city-esque/// those cat in the hats are skanky . haha

WYR: eat the same 3 foods the rest of your life or never eat your 3 favorite foods again?
never eat my favourite 3 foods.. I can always find new favourites!

wyr always feel awake and never able to get to sleep (long boring nights) or always feel tired and never having the energy to do anything because you need to sleep..
Always feel awake. I could start some art projects or something...( I stay up really late anyway )

WYR: be able to fly OR read people's minds?
Hmmm, so that means either never speaking, or always speaking?

:silent: vs. :blahblah:

I think I'd have to go with saying everything, but I sure would have to learn how to whisper at times.


wyr: win an iPhone or a 2-week trip anywhere in the US?
I would rather star in them.

WYR be the most important man on earth but have a short term memory loss that makes you forget who you are OR be a millionaire that has long term memory loss so your past is one big mystery?
Oh, God, show me the money.
I wouldn't care who i was...

wyr be a f****** dick that every body secretly hates, but gets his way,
or be able to look at yourself in the mirror every day, but have people believe you are a bad person?
Have people believe I'm a bad person but I'm really not! I wouldn't like people secretly hating me because then they'd gossip and that would make me paranoid.

wyr be a pet fish or a pet hamster :lol:?

I'm really running out of questions for this.. its getting harder to think of them!
I would rather be a fish. Swimming is nice, and I wonder what it feels like to breathe underwater.

wyr burn to death OR freeze to death?

btw night and day, I love your signature! :D
Hmm in a board room

wyr spend 2 years on an island alone with provisions but no other humans OR spend 2 years on an island with 2 people you absolutely despise, but who are in fact, a doctor and a nature conservationist?
Never be able to brush my hair. I keep it so short that I don't brush it anyway.

wyr find out the love of your life has been living a double life and has a family and home somewhere else OR be the one living the double life with your spouse?
Honestly, who wouldn't want their cake and eat it too...
and not that its right, but i have been hurt before and i wouldn't want to live through it again.
On the other hand i wouldn't want some one i love to hurt either.
BUT, if i love my S.O., i wouldn't have needed or wanted the other life...so...i'm pleading the 5th.

wyr be a judge or an executioner

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