Where you ever caught shagging sheep?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Dear Mr Mullen4prez

Our client wishes to point out that rumours of his sheepshagging pursuits are greatly exaggerated, and regrets that he cannot comment in more detail as he is currently "otherwise engaged".

Yours etc,
Forsyth Barrett & Bogle
Solicitors to the Great and the Good
Fitmaurice Place, Dublin 4


Darren, you're right...I can sneak B into any convo, can't I? :wink:
"Bahhhhd" - an ode to sheep cunningly disguised as a minimalist rock anthem.
Yeah but that IS a guy in your avator Bri - What about him????


Btw - Do i get a cap before beddy byes? :eyebrow: :wink:
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