What color is your weather?

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Dec 9, 2000
Castro Valley, CA
Here in California, where the seasons are Mediterranean, like the South of Italy, we are SEEing lovely blue skies and balmy summer-time weather.

1)What is the sky LIKE, in your particular region? Are there any strange things falling out of it, like laundry, he he? In our small cul-de-sac, there is a fallen purple jacket. I have stepped over it several times to get to the GUTTER, which is in front of my Honda hatchback car, where my new printer/fax machine awaits...but I digress :shrug:

2)what beautiful COLOURS do you see your-self? Australia?

Finally, spell your name VEry SLowly...

(preparing NEW signature...::| and a new locale:mac:

luv, PINK Floyd, jk (just kidding!)
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I dont know what the sky looks like, but it sure is cold over here in Utah. I'm also with Ouizy, sober up drunkie...
it's colourless weather

this bit of wisdom brought to you by bill the butcher
IWasBored said:
i can't see the weather: it's dark outside

I guess the color would be black? :lol:

It's black outside here....with the orange glow of outdoor lights
no, if it was pitch black out i would have said it was black...but it's not...
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