TomKat Part 2

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
I couldn't find another part 2, sorry if there already was one

He's being interviewed by Diane Sawyer tonight, that should be interesting

"But several stories have reported that Holmes would not be able to make any noise whatsoever during the birth, and that Cruise has even had a special "pacifier" made for her to keep her quiet. Cruise said that neither claims are true.

"It's basically just respecting the mother, you know, and helping to be quiet — not the mother. The mother makes as much noise … you know, she's going through it," he said. "But why have other people make noise? You know, you want that area very calm and to make it very special."

And Cruise dismissed the claim, which some say is consistent with Scientology, that Holmes would not be given any drugs during the birth even if she needed them.

"She does what she's gotta do, OK? …We're there you know, with doctors," he said. "Whatever the woman wants. I'm not gonna tell Kate …you know, if she needs an epidural, she's gonna get her epidural."
She Is Raging said:
I thought she was due in march... when is she supposedly having this child?

At the premiere of Mission Impossible 3.
what a coincidence she's due around the same time as the movie opening :hmm: And how did they plan that pregnancy to work out so well :hmm: :eyebrow:
:lmao: So eloquently put, Tom.....willing to bet he has NO f'ing idea what good sex is all about!

"Sex is about the connection. Great sex is a by-product, for me, of a great relationship, where you have communication and it's an extension of that. Where it's just free. And that's how it should be. It's spectacular. If you're not in good communication with your partner, it sucks. (Meaningless sex outside of a relationship) is really horrible and pathetic and lonely."

So I missed the interview on 20/20 tonite cuz I was watching Conviction.....fill me in on what other idiotic things this twit Cruise had to say. :rolleyes:
it was primetime with Diane Sawyer. I almost threw up my jamoca almond fudge ice cream sundae.

It was really over the top. He seems like a real piece of work. :barf:
Carek1230 said:
:lmao: So eloquently put, Tom.....willing to bet he has NO f'ing idea what good sex is all about!

"Sex is about the connection. Great sex is a by-product, for me, of a great relationship, where you have communication and it's an extension of that. Where it's just free. And that's how it should be. It's spectacular. If you're not in good communication with your partner, it sucks. (Meaningless sex outside of a relationship) is really horrible and pathetic and lonely."

So I missed the interview on 20/20 tonite cuz I was watching Conviction.....fill me in on what other idiotic things this twit Cruise had to say. :rolleyes:

I have to say I do agree with him on that. He missed two words right at the end " comparison."
Let us know Doozer. We need a good laugh.
I missed the show - by the time I remembered it was supposed to air, I think 20/20 was on (didn't watch that either)
I watched it, I didn't expect him to say anything other then to deny all the stories. pr machine and all that. Of course some of them could be false and probably are. Whatever else you can say about him, I do believe that he is a very good and devoted father. I'm sure his own experience with his own father has made that so important to him, and I think it has probably had a major impact in his life.

His father was also physically abusive according to this recent Parade Magazine article

“He was a bully and a coward,” Cruise said of the father who beat him. “He was the kind of person where, if something goes wrong, they kick you. It was a great lesson in my life—how he’d lull you in, make you feel safe and then, bang! For me, it was like, ‘There’s something wrong with this guy. Don’t trust him. Be careful around him.’ There’s that anxiety.”
My biggest problem with Tom Cruise is how he comes across so fake. It's very possible that he is a good father and that's the case than great! But I was completely turned off from him when he started acting like a raving lunatic. To the point now where I can't even tolerate him long enough to watch him in a interview.

And Im sorry but I find it incredibly odd that Holmes STILL hasn't had this kid yet.
Mmmm when did the news of Katie bring preggers brake? It seems longer then 9 months!

My mum told me tonight that there is speculation the kid isn't even his. Like not just the regular gay jokes, but something more then that. hrmmmmmmm :corn:

BUT i think he is scary, and what scares me the most is his agressive streak with scientology. Not only are people not allowed to mention it, or poke fun at it (eg all that south ark shit) but how quickly he converted Katie you know. Its really scary.
IF i were here parents, i kidnap her away from him!!
dazzlingamy said:
Mmmm when did the news of Katie bring preggers brake? It seems longer then 9 months!

My mum told me tonight that there is speculation the kid isn't even his. Like not just the regular gay jokes, but something more then that. hrmmmmmmm :corn:

BUT i think he is scary, and what scares me the most is his agressive streak with scientology. Not only are people not allowed to mention it, or poke fun at it (eg all that south ark shit) but how quickly he converted Katie you know. Its really scary.
IF i were here parents, i kidnap her away from him!!

I still dout if this child is really his. Had to put money on it I would say that it isn't. And I think he's rather assertive about Scientology too. It's almost like he takes it to the extreme.
I was just saying that he seems like a devoted father, I'm not defending his Scientology fixation/raving lunacy, whatever or saying that is irrelevant. For me he first crossed the line w/ the Brooke Shields thing, postpartum depression is a serious and real medical and chemical condition that he knows nothing about (even though he thinks he knows everything about it). He had no right to butt into her personal life like that. I understand his issues about an abusive father, unfortunately.. and I just sympathize with that aspect of his life.

from GQ article

MrsSpringsteen said:
I was just saying that he seems like a devoted father, I'm not defending his Scientology fixation/raving lunacy, whatever or saying that is irrelevant. For me he first crossed the line w/ the Brooke Shields thing, postpartum depression is a serious and real medical and chemical condition that he knows nothing about (even though he thinks he knows everything about it). He had no right to butt into her personal life like that. I understand his issues about an abusive father, unfortunately.. and I just sympathize with that aspect of his life.

from GQ article


Have to admit that's a very sweet picture of the two.

Oh and personally I don't feel you need to defend your statement about him being a devoted father. Think it's great that he didn't follow in the steps of his own father with that type of behavior. Know unfortunately that too many times children have turned into the kind of abuser their parents may have been. Tom sincerely seems different with his own and that really counts for something. Just wish he would get the rest of his act together. Really did cross the line with his post partum remark.
BonosBaby12 said:

I still dout if this child is really his. Had to put money on it I would say that it isn't.

Until I see a DNA profile, I ain't believing this one.

I don't believe a single thing about their relationship is genuine. She seems totally high on Xanax half the time with her "awesome!" and "magnificent!" and "amazing!" and he's just totally lost his mind.

And that's some elephantine gestation she's having there.
It still creeps me out that when Tom Cruise did Risky Business, Katie Holmes was only 5 years old.

I also heard that Tom Cruise was so infactuated with Katie Holmes, that he had "his people" try to get her to meet him so that he can have her fall in love with him, because he was so infactuated with her, even though he barely knew her or even met her. It was sort of like Tom Cruise would do anything to get what he wants.

Then there's the recent article about Tom Cruise talking about his sex life with Katie Holmes. You would think that he would have been a little bit more private, especially when it comes to stuff like that. Nobody in their right mind would talk so publicly about their private lives, I don't care how much you are in love. You would think Hollywood celebrities would try to be as private as they can. This guy is the total opposite. It's as if Tom Cruise is making a jackass of himself each and every day. His image is totally shot. I wonder how Mission Impossible 3 will do at the box office.
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