The Temple Bar - Elfa has crabs - UYMFA

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA

No longer must you wander aimlessly in search of free drinks.

That's right, folks! While the Octagon may lie dead in the darkest depths of the Lemonade Stand, there's a new club on the scene. We have some fresh competition in the neighborhood!

It may or may not be a giant lemon.

It's the cool new place everyone is talking about...

The Temple Bar ... would you join us?


~ Bri, Zootle, and Gang

:bonocrab: :bonocrab:
OH... This is rich.

My selfish friend = serial dater, who has gotten rejected numerous times over the past 6 months to almost a year by various guys she thought she had a connection with. Her friends, myself included, have gently suggested she "take a break" from dating for a little while. I just did this again today after her latest story - texting a guy she dated for a minute 5 months ago and we all know what happened from there - and she comes back to tell me she thought about my suggestion but at this point in her life she knows what she wants (a husband and kids) and to take a break now would be like admitting there's something wrong with her or she's failing. :huh:

Survey says...?

I say taking a break = good. You clear your head/heart and ready yourself for someone who hopefully is worth it, instead of dating a steady stream of guys for the sake of "husband shopping".
OH... This is rich.

My selfish friend = serial dater, who has gotten rejected numerous times over the past 6 months to almost a year by various guys she thought she had a connection with. Her friends, myself included, have gently suggested she "take a break" from dating for a little while. I just did this again today after her latest story - texting a guy she dated for a minute 5 months ago and we all know what happened from there - and she comes back to tell me she thought about my suggestion but at this point in her life she knows what she wants (a husband and kids) and to take a break now would be like admitting there's something wrong with her or she's failing. :huh:

Survey says...?

I say taking a break = good. You clear your head/heart and ready yourself for someone who hopefully is worth it, instead of dating a steady stream of guys for the sake of "husband shopping".

I guess now would not be the best time to tell her you're engaged to this fabulous guy you've never met.
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