Sigur Ros visits HIV-positive orphans in Swaziland

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 31, 2002
Black and White Town
There's a link to some incredible photos the band took on the trip, plus a translated interview with them about the journey they took with UNICEF. Go to and it's the first news blurb there.

This is incredible. I wonder how it will influence the new album (which I heard might be done at the end of the year).
I think it's wonderful that they dedicated their time to this trip, and I wish more bands would follow their lead, but frankly their music bores me to tears.
coemgen said:
I wonder how it will influence the new album (which I heard might be done at the end of the year).
i somehow doubt the lyrics will reflect on this a lot

but then again I'm also in the "bores me to tears" camp
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