The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I heard Bono went into a restaurant, and ate everything in the restaurant, and they had to close the restaurant.
Bono is currently on trial on the Planet of the Donuts because he ate half the inhabitants
All that you can't leave on your plate goes to your behind
Bono's favourite number: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582...
just listened to one of those last 'Joshua Tree' shows (Vancouver, sounds like). Better than I expected. I'm noticing an odd warbly thing creeping into Bono's voice lately, like he's overcome with emotion, but I think it's just his voice.

Also I could hear some guy in the background counting off 'one two three four' a lot. That must be Willie Williams or somebody.
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