Serj Tankian

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The Sad Punk said:
Well, have you ever listened to SOAD?

lol, just a bit. didn't take it that way... heh, ok, it was a joke?

soad don't fit expectations, they break molds.. as u2 have done and i think probably will do again... this classic u2 phase makes it hard to see the connection... sure soad are loud, but they're also thoughtful in their lyrics and causes, and take cues from unexpected places like classical music, opera and traditional armenian music, and i daresay their singer seems like a creative and bright, if sarcastic and perhaps misunderstood, individual. reminds me of someone.
In their themes and goals and thoughtfulness, mayhbe there's a tiny chance, but their music are compltey opposite ends of the spectrum.
I love System of a Down and I love Serj's new song Empty Walls :up: great interplay of vocals on that track. and freaky video.

I don't think they're the next U2 necessarily but they're damn good
don't forget "the next u2" is a loaded term...

like "the next beatles" there's probably more than one, and will never be complete agreement on who it was//is.
Yeah, I understand Zooeus, but I think music is a big degree here - i.e., to be anything like the next U2, SOAD would have to make more accessible, radio music. Whether that's a good thing or not, it's your choice to decide.

Also, I don't know about other folks, but while I know they have had other realeases before and since, and some successes, I think SOAD are too firmly 2001 to make much more of an impact.

I'm not saying they're not worth anything, actually I don't mind a few of their tracks (I have a few friends that are big fans), but the whole 'next U2' thing just seems like a joke to me in general.
COBL_04 said:
See I'm taking it as music. For me SOAD can't be the bnext U2 becos theyt don't sound anything remotely like U2.

if that were the requisite, i think we could say it's coldplay and be done with it.. to me it's more about introducing a new sound.. i think soad do that much more than coldplay...
The Sad Punk said:
Yeah, I understand Zooeus, but I think music is a big degree here - i.e., to be anything like the next U2, SOAD would have to make more accessible, radio music. Whether that's a good thing or not, it's your choice to decide.

Also, I don't know about other folks, but while I know they have had other realeases before and since, and some successes, I think SOAD are too firmly 2001 to make much more of an impact.

I'm not saying they're not worth anything, actually I don't mind a few of their tracks (I have a few friends that are big fans), but the whole 'next U2' thing just seems like a joke to me in general.

fair enough, i can't disagree with much of that
COBL_04 said:
SOAD went way too mainstream with their last album thingy for me.

kind of funny that your comment follows one about their music not being accessible enough- the line between mainstream and 'underground' is one U2 has ridden most of their career..
It wasn't part of the discussion, just a personal opinion really, but point taken. I love Toxicity, but take Mezmerize for example. It's got elements of pop in places, quite silly. Too much singing done by the other guy.
COBL_04 said:
It wasn't part of the discussion, just a personal opinion really, but point taken. I love Toxicity, but take Mezmerize for example. It's got elements of pop in places, quite silly. Too much singing done by the other guy.

I don't think it's silly, it shows diversity :shrug: but i agree, i'm kinda undecided on the other guy's voice. It's interesting I guess but it's mostly good for screaming...Serj has such a great and unique voice it seems kind of silly to have anyone else sing. and while I do think Mezmerize shows that they're capable of different kinds of songs, I definitely wouldn't call it their best album

i need to get Hypnotize and their first album... I didn't even know they had an album before Toxicity until I looked on iTunes :reject:

btw streamline = best SOAD song

I'll definitely get Serj's album though. Here's another track, The Unthinking Majority: I love the trippy chorus about antidepressants. So strange.
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