Qui Est Le Futureheads

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 25, 2002
The Futureheads are a lot of things.

Early New Wave and Elvis Costello, with elements of The Clash, Devo, Fugazi, The English Beat, and the rhythmic perpetuation of The Knack two decades after the fact.

Indeed they have an interesting sound, with vignette-like 3 minute punk melodies... to appease even the most discriminating of IWasBored tastes.


Check 'em out.
Clearly I enjoy the look of my own words too much to consider silence.

not if we consider the Futureheads to be one entity--as in one band--singular, and not a collection of people, in which case, les would be appropriate.


Le Garage.


(check it out)
Right on Sweetest Thing... on both fronts.


I might also recommend Danger of the Water.
good call cujo :up:

just saw them live a couple days ago and i thought their performance eclipsed that of the headlining band. good stuff indeed.

if anyone's interested, you can hear little clips of their songs on their site http://www.thefutureheads.com/

ones to check out: manray, meantime, and yes, their cover of hounds of love.

ecoutez et aimez!

that's an order :sexywink:
cujo said:
The Futureheads are a lot of things.

Early New Wave and Elvis Costello, with elements of The Clash, Devo, Fugazi, The English Beat, and the rhythmic perpetuation of The Knack two decades after the fact.

Indeed they have an interesting sound, with vignette-like 3 minute punk melodies... to appease even the most discriminating of IWasBored tastes.


Check 'em out.

hahaha. i'm avoiding the futureheads based on the fact that i saw our music director wearing a futureheads shirt. he likes them, therefore they must suck.

i guess i could put my boycott aside and check them out, just for you, cujo :kiss:
Re: Re: Qui Est Le Futureheads

IWasBored said:
i guess i could put my boycott aside and check them out, just for you, cujo



Sadly, this endorsement thread is vastly outdated. I'm courting other bands now. Does no one read my life in print through Variety anymore!?!

Re: Re: Re: Qui Est Le Futureheads

cujo said:
Does no one read my life in print through Variety anymore!?!

damn band index!! :banghead:

i guess i'll have to renew my subscription. :down:
haha, i didn't realize this thread was so old. i just saw it on the first page and noticed i never read it.

anyway, the songs on the site that played for me...i like one out of the 3 or 4, and the second time it played, i didn't like it so much. they sound exactly like i expected, which was mostly suck.
sorry to bring up such an old thread but they do have a new single out called "area"

and also you forgot to mention that they sound like Gang of Four. Andy Gill did only produce their debut, hello.

p.s. i love the futureheads...................a lot!
zooperson said:
sorry to bring up such an old thread but they do have a new single out called "area"

and also you forgot to mention that they sound like Gang of Four. Andy Gill did only produce their debut, hello.

p.s. i love the futureheads...................a lot!

right on - all of the above and the fact that they have a song about robots and how great life with robots would be.
good for a party.
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